广东一县委书记短信施政引热议 是作秀还是实干?
7 n7 a/ n& Z' i' s8 i9 }! M1 n昨日上午9点许,连南瑶族自治县三江镇六联村委会书记伍记带照例收到一条短信,短信内容是连南县委书记崔建军的“一周感言”。几乎每周一,伍记带都会把“一周感言”读给村干听,随后转发到他们的手机上。“书记的感言很有启发性,对做好农村工作有帮助,beats by dre。”伍记带说,“一周感言”还让他们觉得与县领导拉近了距离,polo ralph lauren homme。
6 X" N" R1 ~7 A连南县地处粤北山区,交通不便,Casque dr dre,信息不发达,为了更好地指导基层开展各项工作,从去年5月起,县委书记崔建军通过手机短信平台,每周向干部发送消息向全体干部公布一周的主要工作并阐述上周工作感言,一年多来从未间断,至今已发送手机短信息1万多条。这样近乎“手机施政”的措施,在连南引起热议;而连南官方还把感言内容在网上公布,引起近万人次点击“拍砖灌水”。) b0 k" L, E/ W
“一周感言”发给200多干部, {# l* Q1 z/ G% D; A0 g' E5 b
2008年下半年履新连南瑶族自治县后,有感于山区交通不便,以及信息不发达,崔建军通过近一年的时间熟悉当地工作情况后,从2009年5月起,开始自己动手撰写审阅好信息内容,franklin marshall,由县委办的信息中心通过移动手机信息平台,发送“一周感言”,每周一期,不管在本县或出差在外,从不间断,受众者是连南县四套班子成员、“两办”人员、副科以上单位一把手、乡镇党政一把手以及村(居)委书记、主任,合计200多人。
+ C7 u* J. f& M! [是作秀还是实干?1 l# R6 }( J9 ^( K }! z# A& C
通过一年多来的发布,“一周感言”已经成为连南干部每周乐于收到的短信,他们普遍认为,领导能推心置腹表达心声,阐述见解,增加县委县政府工作的透明度,能更好团结干部发展连南,casque beats;有人认为这是通过手机“施政”,突破了时空的界限,很有创意。
( l6 ~( Y1 X2 V: Y有网民认为这是在“作秀”,而大多数网民则对此表示赞赏。网友“亚木”在“水石连州网”的“话说连阳”论坛中写道:读到崔书记的感言,值得深思。连南是少数民族地区,也是欠发达地区,连南要发展,班长是关键。有人可能认为崔书记是在“作秀”,我觉得非也。感言是他的心里话。依我看来,连南要更加地解放思想,县委县政府班子要多出思路,多出点子,出新招出实招。 南方日报记者梁有华黄津 特约通讯员陈昕9 a% x2 p; N. ]9 K6 U' V
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+ r L+ j+ v: p, d+ ^BEIJING, July 29 – A Beijing bar is hosting a three-day blues festival starting on Friday, featuring a dozen bands and soloists from around the world.
' s, i5 N! D2 ^2 e" k/ W; xCafe CD Blues, on the Third Ring Road near the Agricultural Exhibition Center, and its previous location a few blocks further south, has been home to the city's alternative music scene since the 1980s.4 D. `' {% E4 D8 @' [; H0 W
It has been owned for nearly two years by veteran R&B singer and bass player "Big John" Zhang Ling.
3 X4 O& a# M+ p6 V& }; VPlaying on Friday from 7 pm are Chinese band Little Inn, the US' Peter Muchinson Band, Bobo Stump from Japan, Matt Cooper (featuring Swiss Werner Fischer on guitar) and Defy, a Chinese rockabilly group. The night finishes at 1 am.% M1 u/ y0 }4 x& O7 G* w; Q4 ~2 K
On Saturday, Joseph J. Johanna from New Zealand will perform folk blues from 3:30 pm, followed by Chinese band Out of Control, then Fernando Fidanza, the Peter Muchinson band again, Zhang Di and Lucy in an East meets West performance, and then the Big John Blues Band led by the bar's owner. The evening will finish with a blues jamming session from about 11:15 pm.$ p( n6 x h- l
Fernando Fidanza will kick things off from 2:30 pm on Sunday with his Italian Blues. He'll be followed with a harp clinic and harmonica competition until 5 pm. Starting at 4:30 pm outside will be another set by Joseph J. Johanna, then Hong Kong's Chit Chat band, Hoochie Coochie Gentlemen, Bobo Stump and finally, The Chinese Hell Cats from 10:30 pm.
# D5 m! s8 P' hThe cost of admission is 150 yuan ($23), including a free drink, for each day, or 400 yuan, including a free drink every day, for all three days.8 G/ P' M1 Z2 e+ w! o$ O
"Beijing will have seen nothing like it," says one of the event's promoters, Beijing-based US businessman Craig Quick.; A% _3 \( I- |8 @6 ?9 w8 a
"This is a brilliant line-up of extremely talented musicians who know and love the blues inside out. It's going to be a tremendous occasion."
! w2 C$ P$ Z7 V/ U2 c" k% K; U+ vIn the early 1980s, as bassist for Chinese rock legend Cui Jian, Zhang Lin developed a deep understanding of the development of modern music in China when Western music was considered "capitalist". He used to listen to The Beatles tracks smuggled in from the US.% T9 @' j8 L! k" S# j k2 y1 l% I
Zhang studied bass in Australia and returned to China to collaborate with some of the top blues and jazz artists in the country, creating in 1995 China's first jazz fusion band, Tien Square. In 1996, he joined his old band mate, Cui, and International Monetary Fund vice-president John Anderson to form the first blues band in China, The Rhythm Dogs. He released his first solo album, Nu Ren De Ge (A Woman's Song), in 2008, and also runs a musician booking agency., |$ \) f0 z3 K: {
Many of the world's jazz greats have visited or performed at the CD Blues Cafe and Bar, including Wynton Marsalis, Kenny Garrett and Herbie Hancock's band.
% v7 Q$ H. d6 i5 r: }/ MBlues evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music and oral traditions imported from West Africa and rural tunes into a wide variety of styles and subgenres, with regional variations across the US. |