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发表于 2011-2-17 14:23:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
华南理工大学造纸与污染控制国家工程研究中心马黎明等人用活性炭催化臭氧氧化法处理生化后的造纸废水,研究了pH 值、活性炭加入量和活性炭回用次数对废水COD 和色度的去除效果以及活性炭催化臭氧氧化过程对废水可生化性的影响。
" R8 L$ ]" Q4 Z6 M# K) W# N+ l结果表明,pH 值为7.98、活性炭加入量1 g、臭氧化反应12 min 时,CODCr 和色度去除率达到40.2% 和91.6%, 比单独臭氧氧化处理分别提高了7.6% 和7.0%,BOD5/CODCr 比值由单独臭氧化过程的0.14 提高到0.26,生化性得到明显改善。回用两次的活性炭参与臭氧化反应12 min,废水CODCr去除率为35.4%,去除效果较好。催化臭氧化反应前后活性炭的红外谱图表明其表面吸附有大量有机降解物。活性炭的用途广泛:水处理,空气净化、食品脱色、工业除味提纯、催化剂、电极材料,溶剂回收,装修除甲醛等。3 ^! w& g& h' n3 R' _6 y9 g
; ?& U  f) p. C" |1 e9 p
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发表于 2011-2-21 12:56:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-2-27 14:34:00 | 只看该作者
  诞辰祝愿年年收到,同样的话年年反复,她感到到了单调。多少年后,她结了婚,他的电话,好像也噤了声,不再打来。那一年,她整理书架,又看到心形小闹钟。很多年了,她始终把它带在身边。她拿出来,默默看着,不料一失手,掉到地上,再捡起,它看起来完好无损,跑针却结束了活动,听凭她怎么拍打,它只默默看着她。她心里烦恼,想扔掉,却又不舍,放回书架。它悄悄呆着,闪着金色光泽,看起来依然漂亮。她在心里,重重地叹口吻。  内容来自http://www.99dudu.com 6 N0 ?% [" R$ q- o; ~
  全新的大学生涯,充斥新颖与快活。小闹钟被她置在床头,天天如约唤她起床。有时,她看着它发愣,为什么是心形呢?模摸糊糊中,仿佛可见他的居心。她又摇头,或者,只是本人的两厢情愿吧,一厢甘心能叫做“爱”吗?  absorb http://www.99dudu.com + J3 c  n; X* v3 Y3 Z( S2 m% ~3 R& {
  她生日时,他打来电话,说:“生日快乐!”她快乐地说:“谢谢,母亲为救病儿翻唱春天里续 农民工歌手声援筹资!”脑子里闪现出那张生日卡片,她想问:“你想对我说什么?”却又闭了嘴,只“嘿嘿”地笑,他也“嘿嘿”笑。而后,俩人挂了电话。  99读读网,文章阅读网 http://www.99dudu.com , o3 s- u4 \6 x3 j- e3 G9 W7 V; ^
  她默默注意着,他与她的女友说话,笑颜满面,俩人一起研讨数学题,热闹而友爱。她的心里,有淡淡的失踪与惆怅。她生日那天,他送给她一张优美的卡片,写着:“我很想对你说一句话,只是……祝你生日快乐!”看着他刚劲有力的笔迹,她想,你要说什么呢?只是让我猜想吗?她摇摇头,判若两人地与他来往,淡泊而温和。  文章阅读网 http://www.99dudu.com
5 ]# P9 g/ s, h8 I2 c% A  那时,她坐在他前面。他爱好看她浓浓的黑发,随便束成一条马尾,干净的脖颈,有淡淡的绒毛,显得质感白净,她的笑声,beats by dre,像小溪,布满阳光,淌过一个又一个缓和枯燥的日子。  内容来自http://www.99dudu.com
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  她走到书架,看着那只小闹钟。它闪着金色光泽,dr dre headphones,仍然英俊,却不再与时光一起跳动。它在书架上,占一份心形空间,成为永远的“钟心”。  内容来自http://www.99dudu.com 6 h1 @# z1 @7 o5 |5 k' m
7 ]! ?- ~) U# H. b! ^; p; G/ ^! p! |/ z
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. e4 s, E/ x8 }8 z! e' Y  y7 [  中学毕业,她跟他考取了不同的大学。毕业仪式上,他送给她一个礼物――一只心形小闹钟。十分精巧,闪着金色光泽。她心里有淡淡的喜悦,beats by dre。可是,过了一会儿,她发明,她最好的女友正和他说笑着,女友美丽的大眼睛,Stone heart word Love driving into the distance ..,流连在他脸上。她将小闹钟塞进包里,不回首,促回家了。  本文来自文章阅读网 http://www.99dudu.com ' g' z' t4 u( L1 z! F
  她的头脑里闪过一句话:有情人终成眷属。她的眼泪落下来,她想,那只是一句童话罢。  9 W* N  r6 D! }; L( k6 ~
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- `' Q4 |8 i& z5 y4 Y  他和她的情感,追忆到高中时期。  http://www.99dudu.com : f1 }# g! A0 C! }& ^
  后来,她离了婚。那一天,dre beats,她起床后,单独站在窗前,电话铃响,一个几近生疏却依然亲热的号码跃然在手机屏幕。她犹豫着接通电话。他熟习的声音传来:“生日快乐!”她淡淡地笑,说:“谢谢!”他问:“过得好吗?”她说:“好。”他停了一会儿,声音有些低落,说:“一个人,要留神照料好自己。”她的嗓子突然哽住。本来,这么多年,他一直在关注着自己,自己的所有,从未逃过他的眼睛。她想起一件事,问:“高中时,你曾送我一张生日卡片。”他说:“我很想告知你,我喜欢你,却不敢说。”她沉默一会儿,说:“毕业时,beats by dr dre,你送给我一只小闹钟。”他说:“心形的,盼望你能知道,我对你的钟心。”有冷冷的货色从她眼里落出,流在嘴里,苦苦的,涩涩的。电话的两端,俩人都不再谈话。半晌,他急急地说:“我要去看你。”她摇头,动摇地,说:“不!”她晓得,在另一座城市里,有他温贤的妻子,幸福的家。电话的另一头,他久久缄默着。  archetypeappropriate http://www.99dudu.com # C$ ^# ]: U' z  @1 F
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发表于 2011-3-4 12:19:00 | 只看该作者
One kiss One adulation_英语美文_英文浏览网
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. K8 r9 L. T0 R7 }1 WI wanna have a happy life,so I do not think too much.# y# y4 h5 a( a, R
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adjust myself to the new environment.* O& H7 e, y6 c" B# v/ k
treat everyone good.- G3 q' r, H2 v- B
do not say something that negative.
- ?9 b/ x8 w$ b$ ^leave everyone a good impression.
发表于 2011-3-6 22:35:00 | 只看该作者
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+ P# Z% ~" r+ Q+ ^   
7 c! |: ?* U+ M: z1 c2.失去的货色,实在素来未曾真正地属于你,也不用可惜,最新搞笑语录 得知你过得不好我也就安心了_2298, I) F: i9 M# H
happy everyday.
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' Q5 j$ Z& {+ b$ a! F# a; F; kI wanna you be happy.
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believe it will comes.。
2 R- F* K, G1 `/ k  j  
( H! Q4 G- b+ ?7 g: F+ a; D3.如果有一天咱们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。
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& u( `# K- O# u* M/ ^4 c' _" u  L  ' O9 g. y3 z# d; I$ Z2 t
& T- P) [" {0 T  7 Z6 M4 j3 Q# N. H" [
, N# B0 O. Q/ P  
5 l8 ^3 @) ?6 S8 ?% A* X- F7.有一种缘分叫钟情,is paving the way for themselves% a5 _; P, U7 {
happy everyday.
: [- n% [: c$ Jdo not think too much,then you will feel happier that before.
0 r: P% N) ^3 ?# ?I wanna you be happy.
: V  }0 P( c8 b( b' tI wanna you have a happy life.
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+ w5 G2 m1 E6 `" ?5 i0 o* p, `8.世上总有一颗心在等待、召唤着另一颗心。9 t, J& |7 q% f. [: u' w
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, O/ F  l  ^+ h$ V( r. u! q10.人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。轻易变却故人心,却道故人心易变。- f1 @$ k- Z4 o( O+ t9 t
9 t. A  g% ~" r* _11.爱一个人有多苦只有自己最明白,负出了全部青春以荒误原来只是一个过错,我也不想装糊涂却又不得不认输,错过的情人还有谁可以留住,我也只能够装糊涂伪装本人很幸福,伤在心里头眼泪再也留不住& _+ d8 g* i# J/ o6 o
  # Y4 s2 r2 R' _! F6 T0 L. h
12.错过了日出可以期待,错过了美景能够再来,错过了流星可以等候,错过了爱情却不会回来!爱护身边的人,特殊是你爱的跟爱你的人,beats by dr dre
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3 N) [" x, z* R: p1 M13.一语道尽爱情的残暴。情到深处人孤。疼痛使人成熟,刚强的人会感悟爱的真理,而懦弱的人徒生怨尤。' _1 J. ]8 r4 k+ K3 D0 B+ h* b
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14.兴许我真的不懂爱情,只晓得一味的付出和等待,以为许诺了就会长相厮守,认为承诺了就可以白头偕老,本来也只抵不外不过是一句玩笑话,但他却让我陷入其中,直到越陷越深,无奈自拔1 f6 d& P3 q' ^
3 R& F3 b# ^0 Z; e- C  w15.相遇是错、意识是错、在一起更是错、对你动心是错,和你恋爱仍是错、爱上你更是一个错、全体都是错
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  M* P. u2 y7 f+ q& _16.一些很期待的生涯,总是在你自以为是的幻想中消磨了,而后给予你一个很扫兴的打击,dr dre headphones
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19.假如所有的事件都是因为爱我而起,如果所有的苦楚你都已经为我尝过,如果你爱我爱到可以离开,我又怎么会不可能爱上你,apprenticeoadded in top academy- p. W( q3 M: c4 I
happy everyday./ o+ u$ Q; f* ]" Z0 l7 i
do not think too much,then you will feel happier that before.
1 b5 R: f/ i2 Z  g4 g' CI wanna you be happy.
: m- V$ r" Q2 a; vI wanna you have a happy life.5 G6 Z4 b3 _4 n# \3 Q8 i* X, |
you will get your happiness.
) _& Y$ n: t+ C: J, n$ x& B2 G/ Cbelieve it will comes.。
) Q5 t+ P! M  X/ O" N  " Z; }! q/ G" r2 N' ?
+ e) x; |9 m: A9 L1 D. E1 p  j  1 G+ I0 B: @% N* G% Z) B" s; y2 {
21.谁是谁生命中的过客?谁是谁性命中的转轮?前世的尘、今世的风,无限无尽的哀伤的情缘与怨恨。最终谁都不是谁的谁$ L, Y8 J) s# H$ j
  - _4 S/ _5 u, k$ v( D
: Z& G6 f3 E* S9 [; \3 U  ) ~6 f; n. `6 ^" Z& {) V0 c
& X  ~5 t/ l# \( g0 x. W/ L4 N0 [  
. k4 v. j: R: ?6 m* T+ R24.所有悲伤,总会留下一丝欢喜的线索.所有遗憾,总会留下一处完善的角落.我在冰峰的深海里,寻找盼望的缺口,却总在梦中惊醒。当初的你是否会回想曾经美好的过往!而我仍旧在茫茫人海中寻找可能让我停留的港湾。7 x0 |; z3 g+ w/ W1 f* ]
  3 Q) ?; O2 K$ a! `/ Y
25.牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。$ s& b' I& {2 ^7 q
% c* i' [  l& x% X26.悄悄消散在人海里面,不让谁看见!惦念是会呼吸的痛,霎时蒸发,就让不可能的是也随至疏散!% Z: q9 J/ u7 U% @
" k# r) x* F- Z' v' F5 a& V27.我穿过怀念齐眉的年代,手指苍白,beats by dre。多情而悲伤的句子,是时间腰身的流年,像水一样蔓过四季。你仍像是没有归航的船!  + m8 v0 j5 j. G8 a
发表于 2011-4-20 15:27:00 | 只看该作者
: Z: S2 ?& u% N/ E. q  良久以前我以我们都很会2 F5 X7 ?6 a  U& B$ z
) X8 F: L; _& [1 |6 j6 a   可是当初我才知道
/ i! v: s) F/ ]4 l+ K9 }   
7 t- g# W& F2 }   幸福不是随意说说就会有的
$ K2 ?& v6 d8 N! r: \: \% i   ( R, g0 m; p  J7 S5 F& Q
  倒底幸福是什么6 B/ m' ]0 J& ]
  ' b- m% I& _3 I) H- J8 W; A
- R7 P9 D$ i0 f   # S( ~: \# l, r' e6 L/ L/ Z
  仍是我们错过了8 X$ O. m; c# N# g& }. v
  ) f  l" z) \3 L' j5 @" j
  落,你知道那小小的花叫什么名字吗( f* R- }4 B% o
  2 ]1 O( p0 F, M. {
" M! a7 w6 P6 ]0 P- d8 _   : \' A9 G! z% {& \; b
  那你呢,Franklin & Marshall,但它很美,不是吗
% A0 D1 N7 W/ m, o6 \   ( u% q& Z0 ?3 _" d$ b2 v- W
  是啊,它很美,美得让人疼爱2 x& r8 V. X: F% k
  + b+ m5 r, u0 ^  P: n" u* O( N
  微香,Franklin Marshall,你会爱好蓝星草呢
/ q6 w0 ?/ G1 @' N  o$ H. z7 L( I   & s# K- C! w/ B7 X2 P4 r
4 P: @1 `/ f4 v5 d8 W; l   + t% l( N( {/ `4 |, R+ U- a
: y& _) L* @4 i! u" A5 @8 i   3 q0 r) Z4 E' |6 _  |
% z! f( H' [+ r1 P- O( p5 v6 W0 u   
! U; [9 i# U( U9 H   你很执拗、、、
2 n! U' ^: c& g: i; `% y! l   - |1 Q. D8 d3 {  E* c) W# |, t" z
" N0 U5 \8 U9 `0 s& B& Q9 c' X   
: M! k% @0 z' c/ ]: a   会的,它会听到的
, G% x: S2 P+ P8 N3 Q/ m- y   
# v& }9 }  U# P7 v   为什么
. x6 P$ T. ?% v4 H% ^8 r   
3 f1 n) S, P+ z6 H( ?4 C: y   因为它跟我们一样都是优伤的* Z5 g: Q9 U. [- Y, ]& X
! c- e5 U1 ]# C: N   微香,蓝星草的花快开了吧$ N* S' H' I$ a, A+ s% V* C/ w7 r* x
) T+ T  a& \  s( n   是啊,可是这次咱们还能看到它的美吗
/ x+ N* a! l9 w' {! t   2 ^+ N: g/ j3 \) v
3 {* W* W1 @6 G5 o( y6 U+ C1 W   4 R+ d! P8 v( ~
  你陪我看到它开花再分开好吗' @* Y( u- m/ U1 I( S, A" D1 q) l
2 F2 j$ [( t) v; c* w3 P   必定要吗
: N& H6 G5 f4 }( R& S" N   
7 c3 c1 l2 g7 B. c' z% t9 j+ T   嗯,我会等到它开花在走、、、
" s; V1 g6 I+ @4 ^5 A   , u7 N  t/ A* T9 z# ?
  落,你看花都开了,好美7 `( ?- p  E6 u/ D! d
  ( J4 g' O( v  X9 ]% Z" A. Q1 ^
  是的,好美: Q$ v* j" h0 O, n$ B* k6 o
  1 C  J! u2 t" N
  落,假如能永远停留在这一刻,franklin marshall pas cher,你会陪我吗2 K5 U8 P2 @  ^/ ?  J, _5 B
  7 x8 D9 r3 r; i6 }
% Y1 T2 [" @# \. G* l   0 s2 n2 X! G% S
  我的冀望是因为有你,落,Achat Franklin Marshall,你会陪着我的对吧
/ w- f. s' L8 G+ t5 z) v# x3 |* m) d   
. F) ]! i6 J: h) z   对不起,微香,我不应当让你对我有所期冀
: B% S' g+ \3 k( B2 p% o3 H   
( C- x7 L9 L. X# R/ n# U5 l' b   为什么,可是一开端它就存在了
8 g% y, j! `0 d9 A8 ~7 A1 X   
" O, R; h+ w7 y4 n3 x   由于我们太过类似,Franklin et Marshall,我会永远记住蓝星草的花的,因为那花--微香$ \/ c: ?7 t2 z7 ]& H9 P7 ]
9 V9 {+ p7 ]% ?, t1 Z  k1 C0 Z) g   那花--微香,有我对吧,足够了,落5 A" d: R2 v/ i4 E* j
  # p1 I7 }1 }! J6 w0 v
  d3 d9 I+ c+ y   
: S3 E, {, b# k6 L& O   呵呵、、、我们永远不会忘却9 T3 c; V. K/ t% Y( [8 }
/ _6 I8 }* N2 k7 ~1 D   落,你晓得吗你也是个优伤的孩子,所以我们才会始终这么好呀
# L+ |% ^* V5 @/ l* B  l4 c   
) W$ G  d0 @# C; D; H' p0 G   固然跟你话未几,但我心里很明白,这是我们最好的终局$ f  w( v7 B  ?, F" [% U' D% D
3 E0 [* `$ D( f! D# U. [   我们有太多的相似,这是你说的
0 S6 |6 {# t6 V   # X2 L# P6 {- ~7 T# u+ U
  所以我们能彼此搀扶这么久啊' R% e( \2 B' \) @3 {
4 u4 Q; I4 S1 e9 K4 @0 I   只是,落你知道吗
% h1 f0 S$ f; B, i" x& M   
, [7 E& k0 {+ m5 f' Y- e   那片属于我们的蓝星草不了
7 ?$ Y5 |  ?( a/ e6 z   
+ q* b. F' F0 F   我没留住你,也没留得住我们的蓝星草
* `/ W& X6 b# r* S' k! n% p1 a   8 [  b( l1 ?4 t" M9 }- d8 _  j5 e# n( U
! i. Z9 X3 r) F9 [) Z7 p   
: m& @9 a" G( p9 r+ E. q  o7 B   它带走了我想对你说的,是不是去了你那边呀
+ s" }, M" C+ x   
  L9 x9 f7 g* j: ]   我会记得你说的,因为那花--微香
8 a2 ?3 G6 y% k   
% t8 V8 J% @0 t- A( W   ' R2 I% J% {* v0 o* v
(义务编纂:流落的军刀)+ z2 T5 I8 a$ s- }0 B
8 m3 I$ _$ Y$ u7 Z8 B8 u  
" `& e7 X: N7 X& m   - Love to obscurity is true!
7 W" H3 C/ Y. w$ l1 ?  
: e' j4 b' U0 j   你错?还是我错了?* g$ o. N2 _  A+ L" {
    |  T5 u3 i2 ^( o/ v& H
   33.看庭前花开花落5 O  O7 s! ]0 z6 R
" ~7 [" I! x8 V 6 e' I% Z4 U. l& s
The driver clambered into his seat, clicked his tongue, and we went downhill. The brake squeaked horribly from time to time. At the foot he eased off the noisy mechanism and said, turning half round on his box--
( C) T; ]4 m. {7 A( b4 `( n; V9 G"We shall see some more of them by-and-by."
0 J5 i% A: Z% I8 c  p1 J+ _8 c"More idiots? How many of them are there, then?" I asked.
, X& z4 Z) z7 I" {"There's four of them--children of a farmer near Ploumar here. . . . The parents are dead now," he added, after a while. "The grandmother lives on the farm. In the daytime they knock about on this road, and they come home at dusk along with the cattle. . . . It's a good farm."# l5 M2 H4 I- F
We saw the other two: a boy and a girl, as the driver said. They were dressed exactly alike, in shapeless garments with petticoat-like skirts. The imperfect thing that lived within them moved those beings to howl at us from the top of the bank, where they sprawled amongst the tough stalks of furze. Their cropped black heads stuck out from the bright yellow wall of countless small blossoms. The faces were purple with the strain of yelling; the voices sounded blank and cracked like a mechanical imitation of old people's voices; and suddenly ceased when we turned into a lane.
: j0 q$ d0 G0 Y4 ~$ o2 rI saw them many times in my wandering about the country. They lived on that road, drifting along its length here and there, according to the inexplicable impulses of their monstrous darkness. They were an offence to the sunshine, a reproach to empty heaven, a blight on the concentrated and purposeful vigour of the wild landscape. In time the story of their parents shaped itself before me out of the listless answers to my questions, out of the indifferent words heard in wayside inns or on the very road those idiots haunted. Some of it was told by an emaciated and sceptical old fellow with a tremendous whip, while we trudged together over the sands by the side of a two-wheeled cart loaded with dripping seaweed. Then at other times other people confirmed and completed the story: till it stood at last before me, a tale formidable and simple, as they always are, those disclosures of obscure trials endured by ignorant hearts.
发表于 2011-4-20 21:09:00 | 只看该作者
- x9 E2 V5 e4 |  X- K; t- V8 g" O, l- B  v5 F3 z  i( L
如果比换警服的速度,老赵绝对是全局最慢的。每天一大早,franklin marshall pas cher,老赵必是第一个走进办公室,小心翼翼地拿出警服,端详良久,方缓慢地穿到身上。每次换警服,都无比庄重。对于老赵来说,上班无疑是一件幸福的事情。自从被调到宣传处,老赵的工作就清闲了许多,可是老赵却并不清闲,你总会看到他在局里面跑上跑下,忙来忙去。就连刚刚分配到局里的小警察,观察了老赵一天后,也会得出一个老赵比局长还要忙的结论。
  i6 _  |2 p( E, j有了老赵,宣传处只能用一尘不染来形容。全局卫生评比,宣传处一直都名列榜首。每天上班下班,老赵忙碌的身影就在宣传处里不间断地晃来晃去。如果老赵去开个保洁公司,那肯定是老百姓信得过的企业。只是,年逾五旬的老赵,仿佛生来就是要当警察的。穿上警服,Coyote and the People_3387,老赵是全局最笔挺的警察,就连刑警队的那些帅小伙都望尘莫及。脱下警服,老赵立刻就变成了另一个人,骑着自行车,拿着菜篮,再普通不过。
7 n& N/ l# w4 @0 z赵夫人有一份体面的工作,大夫。她和老赵配在一起,一个是抓人的,一个是救人的,简直是水火不容。可是到了生活里,老赵实实在在地被赵夫人给溶了去。赵夫人高兴的时候,老赵是笑着的;赵夫人表达对老赵不满的时候,老赵还是笑着的。对于老赵来说,微笑简直就是屡试不爽的家庭通行证。而赵夫人每次看到老赵“不思进取”的笑容,也就渐渐没了脾气,只得一声叹息,岁月蹉跎,当初多么地遇人不淑。老赵在警局里就是嘻嘻哈哈,遇见谁都是一副笑脸,不管有天大的事,只要是见到老赵的笑脸,也就烟消云散,忍俊不禁。下班,老赵把这一优良传统带回了家,面对这张习惯性的笑脸,赵夫人既无奈又觉得好笑,摇摇头,罢了。2 D4 `3 y3 o/ E3 d; p7 _
赵夫人在单位说不上呼风唤雨,但也是响当当的一号人物。作为这个城市最有名的骨科大夫,无论医术医德都有口皆碑。作为这样一个女强人,她不怕你跟她讨论什么医学难题,最怕的就是“你和你们家老赵是怎么认识的啊”这句话。这句话一如撒手锏一般,让赵夫人耿耿于怀,甚至于让赵夫人开始痛恨自己骨科大夫这个职业。认识老赵的时候,赵夫人还是医院里的实习医生,有一天晚上值班,赵夫人就在急诊室里邂逅了老赵,哦不,Mom Says_199,是民警小赵。年轻时候的老赵,英俊的外表并不输给现在电视上的明星,只是偏偏爱上警察这一行。年轻气盛,蹲坑抓小偷的时候,用力太猛,小偷是抓到了,自己也摔了个骨折。小赵的师傅说他,这叫得不偿失,就算小赵抓不住小偷,前面埋伏的战友也一定能抓住他,现在可好,伤筋动骨一百天,小赵就只能在病床上“执勤”了。小赵笑嘻嘻地看着师傅说,能抓住贼,就不要给后面的同志添麻烦了,小赵如是说。说得站在一旁的赵夫人忍不住笑了出来。这一下,小赵笑不出来了,讪讪的,脸刷地就红了。4 q* J# A) @1 L. B
这是赵夫人的第一个病人。结婚后,赵夫人总拿这件事开老赵的玩笑,你就是为了抓一个小偷,把自己给搞骨折了,人家来医院的警察,都是办大案子的,唯独你,大案子没办上,却找到一个老婆。老赵仍旧是笑,那小偷也算得上是咱们俩的媒人了,Franklin & Marshall Sweat Femme
  E! ~6 r" _: G老赵不是没哭过,迄今为止,也有那么两次。第一次是结婚,不知道为什么,喝多了的老赵见到自己的夫人,一下子动情,眼泪哗的就涌了出来。第二次是送师傅,在灵堂送师傅的时候老赵还没哭,可回来的路上却再也忍不住了。用老赵的话来说,是师傅告诉自己,警察应该怎么当,什么样的人才是警察!如果没有师傅,老赵他就成不了警察。每年祭日,老赵都不忘去给师傅上一炷香,鞠一个躬。赵夫人也知道,对于老赵,什么都可以当成玩笑来开,除了他师傅。
5 j$ m/ O& S% q# l+ {  f4 e' m其实,老赵对自己的老婆言听计从,百依百顺,很大程度上是因为赵夫人给他生了个儿子。老赵抱着赵夫人声嘶力竭地产下来的儿子赵彬,总是喜上心头,那感觉就像他第一次喝白酒一样,一股热流涌上来。在老赵的心里,只要有了这个儿子,哪怕是给赵夫人当儿子也愿意。不过,这种喜悦也只是在赵彬小时候。孩子小时候总是招人疼爱,那个时候赵彬学习也好,听话,在派出所里几乎成了有口皆碑的典范。老赵时不时地也感叹,自己一辈子没什么出息,没破过大案,Franklin & Marshall Polo,最大的出息就是娶了个有出息的老婆,生了个有出息的儿子。这对他来说,是一辈子值得骄傲的事。但自从赵彬上了大学,老赵就觉得自己的儿子变了。这一点,从赵彬房间里的墙壁就看得出来,原本干干净净的墙壁贴上了五花八门的海报,没有一个人是老赵认识的。但这些海报上的人都有一个共同点,那就是不像人。老赵问过儿子,这些都是什么人物。赵彬不耐烦地告诉老赵,您落伍了,这是摇滚明星。快活了半百的老赵,第一次听到摇滚明星四个字,老赵心里想,这恐怕也是个什么职业吧。% p' H* \/ H5 w8 v4 O6 F8 D0 T
0 I! A# p& y# x" Z) o从那以后,老赵再也不跟同事讲自己的儿子,他觉得,赵彬以前的身份就是老赵的儿子,那个品学兼优听话的孩子。但如今,赵彬不是老赵的“儿子”了,赵彬就是赵彬,一个有理想的年轻人。
# R, m" Y; B4 z9 ~7 r4 G赵夫人对自己宝贝儿子的态度也变了。从来没溺爱过赵彬的赵夫人,开始溺爱这个有了主意的儿子。人到中年,想法有的时候却越来越像个小孩子,赵夫人的意识里,只要对赵彬好,给他做好吃的,什么都答应儿子,那赵彬就不会走。可是赵彬对赵夫人的这些做法并不领情,也难怪,Franklin & Marshall Pantalon Femme,一个未来的摇滚明星怎么会容忍有人还当自己是孩子呢?赵夫人和赵彬的家庭矛盾,像没完没了的韩剧一样,变成了一出喜剧。9 x5 ^; G( U* m) f8 |9 l. ]
1 I/ C! H2 o6 _7 m& o. ?- G) @1 _2 S" l
自从李成功分配到局里,成为刑警大队最年轻的刑警之后,他就见识了老赵的厉害。李成功的名言就是,刑警队最怕的不是局长,是老赵。每次老赵敲门走进刑警大队,对李成功来说就像末日一样。老赵絮絮叨叨地下达宣传局里的最新指示,又追要刑警队的办案资料用作宣传。这对与老赵同事已久的老刑警来说都是避之不及的,更何况年轻气盛的李成功?在警校的时候,李成功对于一个警察成功的概念就已经形成,他的脑子里,警察就应该是勇往直前,站在前线上与犯罪分子作斗争,Franklin & Marshall Pants。李成功认为,打掉一个犯罪分子,就等于保护了百姓的安全,所以,多打一个犯罪分子,多破一个大案,那就是多救了一些人。可是他万万想不到,公安局还有老赵这样的警察。老赵长年累月地坐在办公室里,他的工作除了开会,就是给刑警队“找麻烦”。刑警的工作十分繁忙,李成功还觉得脑子不够使呢,偏偏这时候总会出来一个老赵,拿出一摞摞的宣传资料、上级指示。李成功不明白,Ten Tips to a Job Winning Interview_2197,警察队伍到底要老赵这样的人有什么用。
发表于 2011-5-16 09:15:00 | 只看该作者
10 am, Xiushui County Zhengchuan Guo Wu Rings and her husband agreed to divorce, Bureau of Civil Affairs,vetement ralph lauren, on the way, she was seriously slashed her husband with a kitchen knife. Yesterday morning, the hospital's attending physician was on a prime ring Wu palm amputated right foot surgery. Although Wu prime ring with ten thousand or not, but in order to protect life, her tears on the signed in the name of a single operation. 1 pm yesterday, Kobayashi was the smooth introduction of the operating room to see my mother, he bent over her mother's face Qinliaoyikou: to Xiushui, the family sold the house. Newspaper decided that Kobayashi can be as long as the university, the sun will grant access to ABBA 5000. If not enough money, this newspaper will continue to raise him.  9 F6 @$ W( t' ^/ u0 ]
never betray】 【3 h/ _: R$ W& I) m

$ f. C4 i4 Q9 N+ O Kobayashi will take his mother to college ( V% P4 U$ i! \8 O/ z$ r
5 j2 }3 o) I3 ]& O4 K
Hospital of Nanchang dawn of hand, foot and medical image display,beats by dre, the injured Wu prime ring body 15 knife cut . Among them, the two bones in his right arm was completely cut off part of the right leg was cut off, right foot palm is cut down. Dr Zhao Hong said: healing, began to rot. Wu prime ring the age of 36, once the surgery means that the future can not walk properly. For life insurance, she tears on the signed in the name of a single operation.  
" Y' T6 O. B+ ]$ G  j; P 13:00, Wu introduced a prime ring was operating room. Waiting in the operating room outside the small Lin up, his hands gripping her mother's hands, then bent down, in the mother's face Qinliaoyikou.  
2 M/ |3 Z9 m  ]( h7 D Kobayashi did not know, my mother could not hear him say those words.  $ v9 u# S, d" g7 ?( L- L
father's behavior, so that a broken home in an instant. Kobayashi distressed mother, but he does not hate father and hoped that the law be able to father a lighter punishment.  % P/ q* K# L) T2 f6 ]1 T" j) Y" ?
! w  A  V& m0 j" H4 a# F& l
difficult fund-raising】 【
) Z+ R- O3 H1 [6 a( g! ~% K
* l+ Y6 j1 q) N$ P1 G house fire sale it away , |& F) w; \% L. o" ?- X; n7 u

3 {& F9 {- h6 t1 z, ?$ A Kobayashi's home town in Xiushui County Yellow Pass, the family's house Although only a layer of cover, but the cap on the town, 130 square meters, lot, and can be converted into stores.  2 ^3 e% y  j* S4 J
5 pm yesterday, Kobayashi back to this home, this time from Nanchang to come back, he is to sell. Open the door, Kobayashi transit in a circle at home, and ran out, watching the coming and going of pedestrians on the street, his mind blank. Father was locked up in a Public Security Bureau detention center, her mother lying in a hospital bed in Nanchang, this room, who would want to?  
. B0 n$ }$ _: K" _9 }1 Y bite the bullet, Kobayashi came Erbo home, hope Erbo help him to sell the house. Erbo answer is not to say to sell the house can be sold, your parents divorce, if the father does not agree to sell, who will help you bear responsibility? Some neighbors also said that the massacre took place, the house is definitely being sold. To be able to sell this house, an hour later, he came to the yellow Au village police station, police station spared would like to sell his father released. Police response, the case has been transferred to the County Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation unit, his father has been XingJu Zhengchuan Guo, off into the County Public Security Bureau Detention Center.  
4 `9 s2 K, c3 P5 A talk through and civilian police, Kobayashi realized that he was only 17 years old,casque beats by dr dre, belonging to minors, the right to dispose of family property.  
( ]  X2 f  q! `/ e; \# T
9 x% E3 R6 V- M% \4 O WASHINGTON student】
4 E! _" q3 L. j" Z4 v / a! H( ?* T* ^3 i+ B1 q# K- X* n, J% n
study paved the way to help Kobayashi - \0 I" G5 ?$ t3 u# S1 h+ J

' x" W7 T% h* k6 ]1 D' }& S South Metropolis Daily's development, and growth depends on the readers love. We walked all the way, has also been with love and responsibility back to society. Among these, we have carried out various forms of student activities. Student activities, the newspaper carried out for 6 years, ABBA sunshine student activities, an annual subsidy of 100 poor students with good academic performance for each student sent to 5,000 grants.  . x: k- {# ?0 J0 @- p
ABBA sunshine student newspaper decided to mobile office, as long as two University of Kobayashi can be admitted, will receive grants of 5,000 yuan, if the cost is not enough, this newspaper will continue to raise him.  
' g# @; u8 x* Z. a: J Xiushui Police said that through interrogation, the suspect Zheng Chuanguo hurts his wife Wu Su ring, showed a strong remorse and said the attack was motivated by Wu did not want to be a prime ring with someone else.  
8 t& ]% y. c3 I: C9 p6 M4 e before the incident, the divorce proposed by Wu prime ring. Now hurt, for physical disability, Wu prime ring surprisingly calm. not to mention. In these days after the incident, Kobayashi's actions touched many people, including police station and medical treatment for his mother's doctor. Doctors said Zhao Hong, Kobayashi On the one hand trying to raise medical costs for the mother, on the one hand the fault of the father pleading to the police, which he returns the grace of parenting a way to reverse the parent family conflicts is also coordinating an emotional bond. Dr Li Gang commitment, will the leadership of the family to report to the hospital, fighting for the Miss part of a prime ring medical expenses relief.
发表于 2011-5-16 11:30:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-17 12:01:00 | 只看该作者
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