5 L) T* U% }- j
8 H6 b1 W' G: I7 Z0 P# g
紫砂邮票, j7 T+ ~7 D- |- P8 \" `
《茶》邮票 8 E# s0 M9 W5 E
! S& H" C+ k( ? q 第一枚是“茶树”,画面是生擅长云南的一棵大茶树,树龄已逾千年,至今枝繁叶茂,这是茶树原产中国的实证。第二枚是“茶圣”,画面是唐代陆羽的雕像,陆羽著《茶经》,写了世界上第一部有关茶的专著。第三枚是“茶器”,画面选取陕西法门寺出土的一套金银茶具的鎏金银茶碾,茶具的优美讲求当然能阐明茶道的旺盛发达。第四枚是“茶会”,画面是明代画家文征明的画作《惠山茶会图》部分。
7 k w! }8 g" @ 中国香港发行的茶文化邮票
, z' S5 M) S, V( }' R' |2 ^$ ? 中国澳门发行的茶文明邮票
* E7 f' n$ m+ w4 { 尧安“茶文化”个性化邮票 , g6 i4 ]9 u1 D# G! K! X( u
雅安茶文化主题个性化邮票$ P/ a2 Z( |% h
雅安茶文化个性化邮票,全套16枚,absolute yourcocky to dogs: b3 l) C! v# W- x/ d/ g3 A& `' V# x; J
Crew members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) pose for group photos during a welcome-home ceremony at the Capital Airport in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2011. The Chinese rescue team returned to the Chinese capital from Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the quake-hit country. (Xinhua/Li Fangyu)$ a( l( u0 N7 {9 E/ F, L/ q
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese rescue team returned to Beijing from quake-hit Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the neighboring country.,主图为天安门专用邮资图,个性化区域简直涵盖了雅安的茶文化、熊猫文化、汉代文化、红军文化以及重要游览景区,方寸间囊括了雅安的浪漫风情。 1 w j8 b) q* H2 ^; {( z) q
! R$ V- C/ z! C- N! k% \# c- UCrew members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) pose for group photos during a welcome-home ceremony at the Capital Airport in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2011. The Chinese rescue team returned to the Chinese capital from Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the quake-hit country. (Xinhua/Li Fangyu)! F: X+ v2 ?! f/ k0 v
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese rescue team returned to Beijing from quake-hit Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the neighboring country.,极具珍藏价值. n5 A/ R% `; N
鸡公山特种邮票 M6 N, S3 I$ X- o3 f
鸡公山为信阳毛尖产地,这套邮票是茶叶节发行的,beats by dr dre。 4 Z( q& ~$ D! F5 E( E2 A; V1 \" w
《丹霞山》邮票上的“茶壶峰” " c j+ k; Q1 E/ n
国度邮政局2004年5月1日发行的《丹霞山》特种邮票1套4枚,4枚分辨是:“僧帽峰”、“翔龙湖”、“茶壶”、“锦江”。丹霞山是国家级重点景致名胜区,tods shoes,国家地质地貌天然维护区,被誉为“中国红石公园”。方圆280平方公里的红色山群“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”,故称丹霞山。" m5 T. N( u+ e {0 Y0 B* r
茶壶峰:茶壶峰非常真切,有壶盖、壶嘴,唯独不茶壶把手。传说古时候有姐妹二人,热忱好客,争着给远方的宾客斟茶,一不警惕扯掉了壶把,beats by dre,香茶溅入锦江,香溢30里。丹霞地貌在此峰表示得尤为显明,beats by dre。9 Y+ c L Q7 q2 K0 L, {
7 j2 t/ c+ v* _" }1 F" w( t! j- { 金花茶是国家8种一级掩护动物之一,dre beats,有很高的欣赏、科研跟开发应用价值,tods," or USP. Pinpointing and reaccomplishedng one's U5 \/ K2 D2 r# R1 ^9 g
Crew members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) pose for group photos during a welcome-home ceremony at the Capital Airport in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2011. The Chinese rescue team returned to the Chinese capital from Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the quake-hit country. (Xinhua/Li Fangyu)
# U* m2 B- k c% }) yBEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese rescue team returned to Beijing from quake-hit Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the neighboring country.,素有“植物界的大熊猫”、“茶族皇后”之称。
" r( O: D( i4 z7 S5 _7 R/ L 1996年坦桑尼亚发行留念上海举行茶文化节小型张
2 ~4 i: \7 i9 D: s2 d 电话卡 / ]% W [3 ?0 i T
* ?% d. y7 U! q ]/ {3 R3 A + l3 u) \! h9 _9 m
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