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发表于 2011-5-27 13:14:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-5-27 13:15:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-5-27 16:03:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-27 17:33:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-27 17:41:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-27 18:10:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-28 11:12:00 | 只看该作者
2月16 afternoon 2 pm, Jiangsu Lai Rong Chen, workers of the electric car ready to pick up Valentine's riding Hwang , only to be beaten and kidnapped a group of people on the train , the original is the lover of his kidnapping Husband and cousin . 4 V' `! l2 b: B

5 y1 @, p+ G, w# H Chen was a construction worker , this year has been 47 years old, has not married. Two years ago, he was helping people in Changle Zhanggang house was built , met his 11 -year-old Huang small . Huang Chen, the husband of that working outside year round , they work to help her nurse described the ground , let her go with him to find a job in Fuzhou . However, to Fuzhou , the Hwang could not find a suitable job, Chen, had lived in the temporary office in Cangshan , living life to take care of Chen .
2 u' F  I5 g; l! y3 O9 [
5 u/ b# v. F  n  i9 J" n4 H over time, they developed into lovers , Chen Hwang three or four hundred dollars a month to the cost of living , and often forced her and her husband divorced. However, Chen and Hwang soon discovered there is no money, but there are other women on the outside , they broke it off. Years ago , Huang returned to Changle huff , and intend to no longer contact Chen .
% ]0 d2 p; z0 V+ P; i 0 `7 j/ M! y9 k% \& W2 H0 Q# Z
end of last year , Hwang 's husband, Lin returned to Changle , I heard some baseless rumor , he pressed his wife , Hwang said that they have been cheated . In order to help his wife get justice , Lin found the two cousins ??, ready to knock each other a .
- l1 P$ O& ?6 ?$ T/ l : y9 c" D; `- N2 C0 H. y! P2 L
incident the same day, Chen Lin to give Hwang call about the afternoon he met near the White Lake Pavilion . Chen believed the results center of the trap Lin . Lin Chen,casque beats by dr dre, a pedestrian first meal of beating and kicking , and then locked him inside the car fled the scene to tie into .
# T7 z6 p3 O- z5 y# K( }8 c3 E' c
( L: q( d0 N( G- |3 h about 5 pm , Lin Chen 's family to ask for 3 million ransom call and ask them to send money to Hong Kong streets million Sha Village , Changle Zhang old museum, Chen 's family immediately reported the Police. Cangshan Criminal Investigation Brigade took over a squadron of anti-triad in the Mo Pai to grasp the identity of the suspect immediately after the old man rushed million Sha Village Hall . 10 o'clock that night , the police rescued the elderly shop Chen , arrested the suspect and his wife, Lin,casque dr dre, Huang and other 3 ,beats by dre, this time not from the Chen tied to 8 hours.
8 |( K& `* e1 h! d* }; C
3 T1 a3 a: J. z8 G# W present, the police are going all out hunt for the two cousins ??Lin at large .
发表于 2011-5-29 10:01:00 | 只看该作者
名 称 : 生灵勿进/婴灵恶泣 主 演 : 加里?奥德曼 凯姆?吉甘戴 Qvod全集 备用播放Qvod全集 备用播放Qvod选集 本周《可怕片》排行榜
4 e% G9 Q. g8 T$ h+ k; B丧尸乐园/僵尸之地
) g& }3 d7 y) c% B& O. M$ b+ y夺命心跳6 b- v3 C% V9 F* l8 j. }3 O
僵尸人8 M& o7 Y8 T1 B' V. k
9 @, |9 C3 ~$ o. f( ^3 ~6 R( K6 d恶灵古堡
3 \$ M3 i$ K, p  ]3 W! F吸血鬼19 }( H' r7 }% f; B, G& c
勾魂时候 剧情先容 3 t" h* K& j) B/ v" I: r+ m2 a6 M& @
恐惧片《生灵勿进/婴灵恶泣》在线观看,生灵勿进/婴灵恶泣qvod,生灵勿进/婴灵恶泣高清,片子生灵勿进/婴灵恶泣下载观看分为快播和百度影音,剧情介绍:凯西(奥黛塔?雅丝曼饰)是一个二十来岁的妙龄女郎,很多年来,[/url],一件事件始终在她心里挥之不去……多年前凯西意外怀孕,她的母亲却让她打掉这个孩子,并且说这个孩子会招来噩运。凯西最后仍是保持把孩子要了下来,但母亲却忽然失落,并且留信给凯西,告知她无奈和这个孩子共存。凯西对母亲的做法感到十分费解,多年来,凯西也在不停地寻找母亲的着落,但老是无功而返。孩子慢慢的长大,凯西却不觉得涓滴的幸福可言,[url=http://www.deming-group.com/bbs/boke.asp?gddgsj23.showtopic.145857.html]《蛇魔追魂阵》QVOD在线观看 高清下载 - 电影,相反的,她却逐步陷入许多的幻觉与梦靥。在街上和家中,凯西常常看见许多“不清洁”的货色……一个长得很像自己儿子的面目阴沉的小孩,正满怀着敌视的眼光直视着她。而他的孩子也匆匆有着许多不同凡人的举措。追求心里医生的赞助,医生却倡议她不要痴心妄想,好看的动画片,《异度公寓》QVOD在线观看 高清下载 - 电影;无奈之下,她只能求助于挚友罗密(梅根?古德饰)跟男友人马克(凯姆?吉甘戴饰)。在两人的辅助下,凯西开端考察事情本相,发明这所有都跟一个名叫拉比(加里?奥德曼饰)的男人有关,本来,当年她的母亲曾经和拉比有着一些说不清道不明的事……跟着调查的深刻,凯西发现整件事情比她想像的要庞杂得多,甚至牵扯到数十年前自己的家族与德国纳粹的生化实验,在某次人体试验中,《有关时间旅行的热门问题》QVOD在线观看 高清下载 - 电影,一个小孩在死之前将自己的怨气注进一个诅咒之中,而在逝世后,这个小孩成为怨灵,他的咒骂开启了异世界的门,《恐怖解剖室》QVOD在线观看 高清下载 - 电影,假如不将这道门封闭,那么全部世界将毁于一旦。凯西当初面临的,不仅仅是救命世界,援救本人的亲生骨肉,她还要救整个世界……
发表于 2011-5-31 08:09:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-31 09:33:00 | 只看该作者
Chapter victim of a junior high school in a neighboring county Hanbin District Department of sophomores . Father working in the field year round , the mother was busy working, coupled with few friends , now 15 -year-old became addicted to the Internet in a chapter , eager to chat in the net to find understanding and concern , so with the Early April 2010 , a chapter in the online chat to know the suspect Wang , like other online dating minors , like two times a week after the telephone contact to schedule a meeting . April 8 at 20, a chapter to the well-being of one person alone , to meet Wang to drive , and invited relatives Hemou , Zhang Jie Feng to a chapter , a chapter that night,casque monster, Wang, who lives in the next , wait and Zhang Wang A sexual relationship , then two in a few days staying with relatives Wang . Period, the understanding of the nature of the Hemou Wang quietly chapter to a chapter in a room called out 100 dollars ,monster beats, leaving Wang to a chapter , to go home , and Hemou kindness not only failed to wake up in a lost chapter , but caused Wang 's suspicion , that the chapter had a sexual relationship with the Hemou , then produce a chapter to let evil of prostitution . First, the And the outside world. April 15 ,beats by dr dre, Wang Chen, the chapter by a friend to the father of Chen Chen, a recreation center open , prostitution five times a day , in addition to the recreation center clients commission for each 30 yuan , the other Piaozi were Wang Appropriation. After a chapter started to drink , Wang fear of an unexpected chapter then agreed to leave. . M, n% |. V& g- D$ R3 n) o) ~

: t( f; e% L" b+ I% | According to the investigation , theft and assault Wang repeatedly punished by public security organs , when dealing with a chapter , but also Zhao online dating with another girl , and has maintained relationships. The case after the incident, Wang Xi'an Zhao family fled to avoid .
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