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发表于 2011-8-17 17:45:00 | 只看该作者
中石油周五全流通 年内最猛解禁实为“纸老虎”    * C2 F7 ?* C# U3 L* O6 Z3 P
  11月是今年限售股解禁的最高峰,解禁规模超过了整个上半年的总和,chaussures foot。统计数据显示,11月份A股市场共有115家上市公司的限售股份解禁,解禁股份总量为1736.82亿股,解禁市值超过2万亿元。这是A股市场第二次迎来解禁的洪峰。第一次解禁洪峰发生在一年前的2009年10月,由于工商银行、上港集团的首发原始股东、中石化股权分置限售股份集中出现解禁,使得当月解禁规模达到了2.05万亿元。  而在此次解禁洪峰中,最令市场瞩目的莫过于本周五中国石油的A股解禁。该股票的解禁市值占到了本月总额的86.74%。按中国石油昨日收盘价11.4元计算,解禁市值高达1.8万亿元,相当于此前中国石油流通市值的40倍。  2007年11月5日,中国石油头顶“亚洲最赚钱公司”和“全球资本市场市值老大”的两大光环回归A股市场,franklin marshall。时隔三年后,大股东中国石油集团持有的1579.22亿股股票将于今年11月5日到期解禁。随着中国石油千亿限售股的解禁,A股第一流通市值的宝座也将易主,中国石油将超越工商银行,成功问鼎A股流通市值第一宝座,成为A股流通市值最大的股票。  此次解禁后,除农业银行外,包括工商银行、建设银行、中国银行、中国人寿和中国神华等A股总市值前十大公司均已实现全流通,到年底A股总流通股本占总股本的比例将超过80%。可以说,A股已经步入全流通时代。  对于此次解禁洪峰,尤其是中国石油的大规模解禁,会给市场带来多大的压力?  有业内分析人士表示,这波年内最猛的限售股解禁洪峰将是“纸老虎”。中石油大股东“套现”的可能性也很小。由于中石油此次解禁,涉及的股东仅有中国石油集团、全国社保基金理事会两家,mercurial vapor,且均为国有股股东,股份性质为国家股,因此,两大股东通过二级市场减持的意愿不大,对投资者的影响不大。  此外,从历史数据来看,上一次解禁洪峰2009年10月,A股市场并没有受到解禁的影响,上证指数反而上涨了7.79%。  齐鲁证券分析师张巍认为,虽然中石油占据了11月份解禁总量的绝大部分,但实际上中石油解禁并不会给市场带来抛压,甚至有可能是零抛压。大股东解禁后抛售股份,无外乎两个原因,要么是因为公司股价被严重高估,大股东想逢高套现一部份作为利润;要么是因为大股东手头拮据,急需用钱而不得不套现。而中石油目前的股价所对应的市盈率只有15倍多一点,Casque dr dre,股价并不算被高估,而且中石油目前的价格和2008年年末中石油大股东增持股份提振市场信心时的价格相差无几,中石油大股东在目前价位上并不具备减持的欲望,beats by dre。  此外,从目前行情中,资源类个股走势较好,这会抑制中石油下跌的空间。相反,不排除会因解禁而出现抢筹的行情。总结起来,中石油解禁对市场中期走势偏向有利。      
. R2 V6 Y6 m( W7 q) }相关的主题文章:3 ]9 }. n) k0 Y- E

' R  a% y1 F$ f' u1 w! h* U  & V) Y5 S3 }. Q" h# _/ [0 h( D; p1 r
) Z( _6 k0 g4 n  : r& D( ?* H' t  O
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   中国计划整合航空货运业务    _26349
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# M% V7 R; {5 b8 F% M( J! ?
BEIJING, July 29 – A Beijing bar is hosting a three-day blues festival starting on Friday, featuring a dozen bands and soloists from around the world.
! o7 j- F+ g. GCafe CD Blues, on the Third Ring Road near the Agricultural Exhibition Center, and its previous location a few blocks further south, has been home to the city's alternative music scene since the 1980s.4 C! G0 u) V; P- E1 ~0 H
It has been owned for nearly two years by veteran R&B singer and bass player "Big John" Zhang Ling.
: i5 w  z: ]! E0 iPlaying on Friday from 7 pm are Chinese band Little Inn, the US' Peter Muchinson Band, Bobo Stump from Japan, Matt Cooper (featuring Swiss Werner Fischer on guitar) and Defy, a Chinese rockabilly group. The night finishes at 1 am.1 V" {6 B+ I. M; G: J  @) C
On Saturday, Joseph J. Johanna from New Zealand will perform folk blues from 3:30 pm, followed by Chinese band Out of Control, then Fernando Fidanza, the Peter Muchinson band again, Zhang Di and Lucy in an East meets West performance, and then the Big John Blues Band led by the bar's owner. The evening will finish with a blues jamming session from about 11:15 pm.# l2 m* h5 {' s5 K3 s: P
Fernando Fidanza will kick things off from 2:30 pm on Sunday with his Italian Blues. He'll be followed with a harp clinic and harmonica competition until 5 pm. Starting at 4:30 pm outside will be another set by Joseph J. Johanna, then Hong Kong's Chit Chat band, Hoochie Coochie Gentlemen, Bobo Stump and finally, The Chinese Hell Cats from 10:30 pm.. }' w) G3 Q2 z0 u% w& U
The cost of admission is 150 yuan ($23), including a free drink, for each day, or 400 yuan, including a free drink every day, for all three days.) R9 T& [, I/ \& l/ E6 F
"Beijing will have seen nothing like it," says one of the event's promoters, Beijing-based US businessman Craig Quick.
7 S4 L# J  [5 b3 C; E"This is a brilliant line-up of extremely talented musicians who know and love the blues inside out. It's going to be a tremendous occasion."
+ O6 S: }8 V) pIn the early 1980s, as bassist for Chinese rock legend Cui Jian, Zhang Lin developed a deep understanding of the development of modern music in China when Western music was considered "capitalist". He used to listen to The Beatles tracks smuggled in from the US.! o" G; m  S0 m" v
Zhang studied bass in Australia and returned to China to collaborate with some of the top blues and jazz artists in the country, creating in 1995 China's first jazz fusion band, Tien Square. In 1996, he joined his old band mate, Cui, and International Monetary Fund vice-president John Anderson to form the first blues band in China, The Rhythm Dogs. He released his first solo album, Nu Ren De Ge (A Woman's Song), in 2008, and also runs a musician booking agency.
% \- z# ?  \3 l6 CMany of the world's jazz greats have visited or performed at the CD Blues Cafe and Bar, including Wynton Marsalis, Kenny Garrett and Herbie Hancock's band.
% T8 y2 V$ X4 T! m: f: _' u, ZBlues evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music and oral traditions imported from West Africa and rural tunes into a wide variety of styles and subgenres, with regional variations across the US.
发表于 2011-8-18 20:26:00 | 只看该作者
厦航洪连珍:中国民航首名飞到60岁的女飞行员% P+ }4 v2 y' T/ c$ j
新华网深圳3月2日电 (记者王东明) 穿过洒满斑驳阳光的小路,61岁的洪连珍准时走进深圳宝安国际机场旁的模拟训练中心,登上了她再熟悉不过的波音737客机模拟飞行器……2 ^3 O3 \+ B# M$ m! [4 k5 E# t! y" \" N$ |
- ?2 Z1 v0 |5 x0 v2 Y/ b* n  40多年的飞行生涯,不知经历了多少酸甜苦辣,洪连珍划出了生命中最美的航迹――先后荣立一等功1次、三等功5次,被评为全国劳模、全国十佳女职工,当选党的十一大、十五大代表。
- I  n: H2 P3 ^  如今,洪连珍依然没有离开她执着一生的飞行事业――担任厦航模拟机教员,每个月的授课时间近50个小时。她说:“看到学员飞上蓝天、平安返航,我就觉得快乐和满足!”' W( j+ ~& r& J1 s- n' Z% l
  成为军人,就要坚强地面对生活1 v" O' z, i3 p
  “在部队来招飞之前,我刚好看了电影《女飞行员》。当时就想,如果我能飞上蓝天,那是一件多么自豪的事。”洪连珍说,“没想到机会真的来了。我一直相信,有志者事竟成。”) w" A0 k. G8 o% f& ]- }% _
  1965年,当部队到洪连珍所在的中学招飞时,洪连珍只跟母亲说了一声,就跑去报了名。. m& M5 m2 z6 ~' t1 [% n* I2 Z
  第二年,她成为了航校的正式一员。“宿舍的床板窄,有时半夜翻身摔到地上,爬上床继续睡,第二天早上还是很早就起床读书、跑步,跟没事儿人似的。北方冬天那叫一个冷,nike football cleats,我们把手伸进汽油里洗抹布,然后拿来擦飞机……尽管那时条件很艰苦,但一想到飞就兴奋,觉得浑身特有劲儿。”$ _& y  b) |0 R: y, m
: l1 u, I4 j% n5 v$ J# A  一开始,大家都瞒着她。后来医生让她带着拍的片子到北京大医院就诊时,洪连珍猜到了。& D9 P7 I' ]: l& ]5 b
  几十次的放疗,她的颈部因长时间用药而导致肌肉萎缩,mercurial vapor,至今还留下大块红紫色疤痕;药物反应,吃米饭就像吞沙子,但她为了保持体质,曾一口气吃下了30个饺子……经过医护人员的精心治疗,洪连珍战胜了死神,1972年底驾机重返蓝天。& `8 i+ s9 j3 ]: w
  “我觉得这跟我不服输的性格有些关系。”洪连珍说,“最主要的是我太想飞了,不让我飞比夺走我的生命更让我难以接受。”" e/ l! o  f7 H1 c. l
  因为热爱,所以选择% ^: h  ^  s( E8 u# ?
  1986年,洪连珍成为空军第一批女飞行指挥员。* V, {9 \3 D# b( b$ V9 k
  重返蓝天后,别人该做的洪连珍做,别人做不到的她还是要做,并很快成为了航空兵某团的副团长。: [" W5 u" l0 g, h) x5 J
  1988年,soccer cleats,厦航组建,到空军招收民航飞行员。洪连珍面临2种选择,一是继续留在空军,仕途光明,nike soccer cleats;二是转业,但能有更长的飞行时间,moncler。在24岁差点失去飞行机会的洪连珍,选择了后者。
+ t7 }6 Y: J- i$ L  波音客机大的系统有15个,光仪表里就有几十个电门开关、几百个信号牌,这和她在部队飞的中小型运输机完全不同。
# e8 w2 Z2 O0 ~0 T" Z  那段时间,她不逛商店,不看电视,家务事也全部交给丈夫。她曾为记不住英语单词掉过眼泪,但擦干后又继续学习,夜深人困就用凉水洗脸提精神,平时走路都念念有词。最终,她以优良的成绩通过了英语和理论考试,Moncler sito ufficiale- a8 N. f3 ?7 j: s
  受过去机型的影响,洪连珍对波音客机各种设备的综合应用掌握不够好。她为此急得日夜不安,多方求教。在付出了比别人多几倍的艰苦努力后,她按时、保质完成了改装,成为一名合格的波音飞机机长。0 v5 E  x$ _  U' T
6 e! w6 h4 V' f: h1 A  责任,就是飞行的真谛- N  M/ T- O/ m
  对于洪连珍来说,2009年的春节是她多年来过的最“安稳”的一次,Giubbotto Moncler Uomo。老伴说:“她啊,终于安全落地了,再也不用到处飞了。”6 B9 w5 H- S" A
  2008年10月27日,洪连珍顺利执行完“福州-成都-福州”航班,为她的飞行生涯划上一个圆满的句号。她飞遍了祖国大江南北,Giubbotto Moncler Donna,多次执行国际和香港、澳门地区航线,从未发生过任何飞行差错,安全飞行16875.23小时。
8 p# P1 K0 Q% `5 P- d, v  2008年2月4日,洪连珍执行完飞行任务后在凌晨回到家,可航务科下午5时又打来电话,询问能否马上执行“厦门-贵阳-杭州-贵阳-厦门”航班。洪连珍明白,如果不是人员太难调配,领导不会来找年龄大而且刚落地的自己。$ k1 U- ^6 V3 ~! G6 J& f  U
  这一趟,洪连珍飞了一个通宵,毫无怨言。在她看来:责任,就是飞行的真谛。! O. Z4 e4 X. |
  1998年7月,洪连珍执行“桂林-厦门”任务,飞机快到目的地时,突遇强台风,机场上云层极厚,当时机场还没有盲降设备。她沉着冷静地操作指挥,整个机组配合得像一个人一样,在倾盆大雨中驾驶飞机安全平稳地降落。. Z# X+ K6 d9 u) e2 j$ C& X
+ q/ Q) |" i$ @& g, n我要评论; w- }6 `) L" ]$ Q* g: u- A
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                                Powered By Google
- x1 v  H  [, _; h* |+ @7 `相关的主题文章:
0 C1 I- x4 p3 H1 Z
# }# J5 f( ^/ ^6 z1 b9 J  4 o3 [# h  [  ]; l- v) ]6 ]/ T
  }2 H' f4 K) K. w  
8 }5 n% m7 A+ f* V  l' T   The loggers* T% `6 g) U7 C: X
  0 k2 @) B+ @4 o% o2 @
   for surprises and insights
发表于 2011-8-18 22:05:00 | 只看该作者
Two hens in the hen house in the corridor outside the classroom lay eggs. ,Doudoune Moncler Pas Cher& q' `, k7 O- }  d! j2 h. s
parents live in the campus of the villagers find it difficult to understand.
( m6 l/ S! l- @( [/ P( j- [+ H
" N+ V) k, V% T0 i" O- Q6 e$ ]' A , several classrooms because the school has become the villagers' resettlement housing.  8 z8 ?  }; ~/ G% M# e" C8 a
■ classroom corridor hen nest to lay eggs ) N* \6 d/ [+ ?" v4 P* [7 W7 g: g

' ~9 U: Z7 v6 \  u6 }6 O& R" D outside the classroom filled with all kinds of debris, as well as a hand machine, 7 am, a reporter entered the gate Wei primary, striking findings is that farmers home life scenarios.  
2 I* K% ~/ A! | northeast in the school before a row of houses, the reporter saw,doudoune moncler femme, a hand machine stops in the cement on the road, green belt tied to a dog while standing on the tire, next to the tank ,moncler doudoune, water, waste plastic bottles debris. Next to a villager said, the dog saw a stranger on the In the dog, not far, there is a house with a fence built. Room corridor, decorated with small carts, laundry basins and other debris, residents in the corridor between the pillars pulled the rope, hanging from the top of the clothes. In the corridor of a farmers store grain store with a child placed at the top of a basket, two hens lay eggs inside the squat. A few minutes later, over the next hen eggs out of the basket in the yard,  9 U% K4 m  W5 i% I# `& V3 [. y
in the room within the walls of a table placed before the board, above the TV is playing the drama. In this room except a bed to sleep households, but also placed a dozen bags of food, electric cars and farm tools, oil drums and so on. The villagers living in the house Xingguang Xia said the house was also stripped of the original after the village was admitted here on the coordination of the original raised poultry are sold, leaving the chickens did not catch, and a dog.  9 j' u& e- J. L& y. Y
Reporters learned that two families lived here a total of five people, 62-year-old villager Huji Chun and his wife with a grandson, and one that Xing Guangxia home.  
8 t! g  A! ?% I) o+ E: T& X Huji Chun said that a total of eight people at home in two houses, but only after the town were stripped off the house compensation 8,000 yuan and 4,moncler sito ufficiale,000 yuan,moncler piumini, the original house chops, children who work, he and his wife grandson with no place to live, and sometimes also can not afford to build a house, so, after the village co-ordination, in pre-term live 2 miles outside of school.  * A, a7 W( s/ f0 c% B5 j  y* G& O
■ Parents are concerned about security + S+ h8 \, |0 [2 i# H+ I" `

3 e! D6 `! A. K1 w( T# h! Z school classroom suddenly become a children's learning, more seriously, would bring some security risk.  
  O4 E7 B% c, D7 K& Y: y a parents told reporters that the school is quiet, clean place, has now become the villagers' houses, the cock barking, very easy to spread the attention of children, some children in class hear the cry of the dog or chicken,piumini moncler, looked out the window will of attention.  
  T% r4 o  e. n5 h Also helping parents worry that the school became the village's houses, would bring some security risk. ?  : ^$ t8 f- L0 J
some parents find the town government positions, the leaders said the town will be on campus Aug. 28 to move out within two households. But the villagers said, and now school is over a week, or a little movement at all.  
9 x8 h$ I! N. h6 k ■ fine put the tenants to move out of campus
' z% s1 H' t) e5 Z8 m / {* T5 u* O6 K* J
Xia Guang Yu told reporters that the president, the school now has nine teachers and 130 students, leaving only one to fourth grade, he is the semester only to this school, the specific situation is not very clear.  
( w& f6 Z* X7 Y, P( a Xiaxiao Zhang said, the school in order to house the two villagers, compression of the original teaching space, the teaching instruments together, and then the equipment room into a classroom, a row of classrooms on the original Teng out . Issue for parents to reflect, Xia Xiaozhang said, the villagers live in the school, the students still have a certain influence, / p> " Y$ s! H2 K. {( O! o
for parents worried about child safety issues, Xiaxiao Zhang said, had arranged for someone to janitor, in addition, if the household has relatives, but also try to arrange another door from school and out, After the corn harvest, and other homestead settle down to go out as quickly as possible, there is no time for long. .  & A" W# y& H+ ^1 }  R1 ~
leadership positions in the town, said the villagers live in the school is a bit inappropriate arrangement, originally intended to move out of school to go, but the recent rains, delayed this work, in days clear later, the campus two villagers find a new residence, and then move out.  % C: Y5 t9 t, m: [" S( q
the reporter peaks text / photo
( N0 P# p: w+ |相关的主题文章:" q- N: r, v$ O0 ?- f2 ^$ `' I- y

$ d! n+ x8 v2 b4 J  0 X( o3 N1 D8 B) |
   Thousands of users microblogging off for the 80 cancer mothe# T1 h+ D/ Q( [& S  E
    `0 w; E5 T8 F; q3 V, Q. f
   Industry Authority Director casket is placed in front of the door at home by thr
发表于 2012-2-14 19:47:04 | 只看该作者
大家有什么好看法 都说一下吧- B$ s$ A7 F& r0 r- j0 T

+ k1 [& H$ Y/ H* b
7 }. V! u1 T! b4 t" F0 Q/ {! p1 j' {" U. N* [0 b5 l3 ~- R
% N  u$ K; {7 F

, H! h8 D/ g/ n  C1 G1 R/ `* U- ^1 I/ K5 O+ A

1 E4 z$ L# @, z# `. e7 `" B; p: E

: n9 W2 R" U* h+ D2 c/ s; y8 R* G% i; t$ |8 f8 x! J

: ?. c8 u( s& U8 k% t. v  q9 d9 ~4 r3 H& n
发表于 2012-2-18 02:09:34 | 只看该作者
众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首在这里!3 q$ ?# f, i  u" {" r
; {2 F& _# a0 k

6 \% c' \5 J7 Q7 m0 i
' G$ u7 N0 t) ^6 G7 n( L$ H
9 P: n7 `- r3 R- B( \2 E' x1 x- u5 i

# H, m& J- L: O' E2 g: v% N- {) P# ~6 ?/ W
2 f1 f" V3 t$ }- G

) k% j3 \9 O! p' {9 q  R+ m! e4 n# N! q6 m1 r0 ]
9 L( [9 L" J9 d) K

' G. J7 M/ ?1 e) d( X& @* D' ]汽车干扰器  汽车干扰器
发表于 2012-2-18 07:06:44 | 只看该作者
/ J3 X# |2 c' k( {1 E
; d; S/ B( }( I: q: [; \: x+ |+ F& O" a" C

( s" A/ v- q) `. Z" N
/ E% A) @9 u" j0 s# g% z  w
4 ^8 ]; p. Q- {
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1 t% D" `/ i' z9 s6 Y
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) {1 x4 C9 T6 b3 N& u( l* L7 l  x# _; H$ z: V9 Z, r' [3 Z8 I" B; T
http://www.banjiagz.com 广州大众搬家公司
发表于 2012-2-20 09:37:00 | 只看该作者
! z1 O; _  _4 f, H. \! ^5 b
% D# t* z) Z7 i  j* D
: N3 a' s6 T. q
' e3 g3 u7 I5 m" g
! y7 [8 a3 p3 ]* n1 Z3 E6 \; m- |! a. v
6 D; J3 l+ M& j6 q0 z7 g
+ e2 T( i: \( h. D. g6 L3 F6 `

: x% B) ?9 ^7 c' A: J+ c- G0 G/ W$ F; I% b- W$ K
$ W6 K6 `/ v+ L6 K$ l' w1 c3 q

6 M7 ^4 k9 p$ }( O2 a! |: m$ G8 f: O* [& u
发表于 2012-3-2 01:36:50 | 只看该作者
) X' ?. I  S; h# z) F/ K  f4 X& }. N

- W8 `7 ^2 c) Y* \( {) \! I0 P: S$ S6 M7 H

6 ~2 {$ j. \; n% T% t, Z  }  O3 X' O6 Z/ t& |0 ]/ V2 V0 r4 }
2 K8 |* A) ]1 Z: W" _9 i# p% K) d
. n8 n. o$ v+ i' S( n
6 b9 N. u. i( I

( H9 C2 k( L6 l0 a# [0 |4 a
8 x) M; I1 t. b7 m3 M9 w
- O+ J% M+ p# }
( t8 I9 O9 H6 s  B, m金夫人婚纱摄影www.miiloo.cn
发表于 2012-3-4 09:42:05 | 只看该作者
2 j# ~/ M; Q. x' r! M
" K- P1 Z9 v! m
. ?3 C: I% i" n. l0 L/ R
" \  Y- _8 f- j* c# ]$ Z* K. B7 `+ w( E8 K4 k6 c

( h. Z; f1 V) j* A5 x5 D
# l1 z1 \0 \3 R+ @' @7 J# l, J
4 i( h* L+ Q) d& U/ R( p) R! l5 q0 e
1 d2 B  R9 ~% ?8 m7 V& J: V  M& \( B- a4 A

/ e$ P. c) N9 ]: R4 O7 f. P
, P. w. L4 r9 e* E, n
2 ~+ ~5 K4 r& w氩弧焊技术网 http://www.ar-weld.com
发表于 2012-3-21 23:02:17 | 只看该作者
* m4 C4 Z) h. e$ K3 z
& M' _" Y; c) |' i" c7 l! R+ q6 ^
' Q6 j. S, d9 W3 y4 g  h. z) Q/ B! P- z2 R$ ~8 u/ ]

, m& t. [8 s2 v& a; v/ y! k& E+ c: W* \) S( W/ j

  c4 H% g7 p2 p* O) j; l+ N) s$ o7 R  w- d
- C2 l  U& P( F. J/ N6 a# a
' c5 y$ _- F7 B8 _1 }4 _# h

) p: z( y7 F) i( f0 a) u& N0 ~; W" I# J6 @
$ I* S; Q( l; v& Z
; |3 Q' x- }6 x
) p9 z$ Y0 |  q" v0 l' A/ i- h: g
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