typhoon is a tropical cyclone category. In meteorology, defined by the World Meteorological Organization: Tropical cyclone center with sustained winds reach 12 (ie, 32.7 meters per second or above) is called the hurricane (hurricane) or a local word meaning near (local synonym), using the name of the hurricane in the North Atlantic and eastern Pacific; and the western North Pacific (north of the equator, west of the international date line, 100 degrees east longitude) using the near meaning of the word typhoon (typhoon). ' L# @% O1 v) U1 P/ L8 S+ F
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Summary of the meanings of Typhoon Typhoon Typhoon features of the formation of the formation and evolution of Typhoon Typhoon Typhoon structure of energy sources Typhoon Typhoon Typhoon No. nouns origin of the abnormal path of the typhoon named hedge against issues typhoon cyclone typhoon advantages and disadvantages of anti-landing typhoon typhoon typhoon warning definition of folklore same name as the movie title track aircraft Watch Words in the vicinity of the island of Taiwan as a special character known as typhoons or storms wind from Taiwan are linked. China used to refer to sea surface temperature over the past 26 Typhoon picture above highlights (20) C Yang Mianshang development of tropical cyclones as the tropical typhoon, tropical cyclone formation and development and strengthening of the process, through four stages: a tropical depression, tropical storm tropical storm, tropical cyclone. 1989 by the International Tropical cyclones of the name and grade standards. China in the western North Pacific and South China Sea tropical cyclones, according to international practice, based on its central maximum wind is divided into: tropical depression (Tropicaldepression), maximum wind speed <8, (<17.2m / s); tropical storm (Tropicalstorm) , the maximum wind speed 8 to 9, (17.2 ~ 24.4m / s); strong tropical storm (Severetropicalstorm), the maximum wind speed of 10 ~ 11, (24.5 ~ 32.6m / s); Typhoon (Ty-phoon), maximum wind speed ≥ 12, (≥ 32.7m / s).
) S, H# y7 y# i/ H! D: d typhoon cloud
! i; s' ]" \* ] Typhoon 【】 【word spelling】 【English】 taifēng [typhoon; hurricane; stage manner of an opera actor] Typhoon English word (which means Hurricane) is based on a transliteration from the typhoon. 【French】 [typhoon] Typhoon most of them hurricanes, of course, there are 13 levels (wind scale) Typhoon Review (1) refers to the Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean cyclone. Example: Joseph. Conrad described in (2) typhoon (or hurricane) is produced in the tropical Yang Mianshang a strong tropical cyclone. (3) With the occurrence of place, time and different names. ① the Indian Ocean and the western North Pacific, west of the International Date Line, including the South China Sea tropical cyclones occurring within the known as the the eastern tropical cyclone called In other words, the typhoon in Europe, North America, along the (4) passing typhoon and heavy rain or strong winds often accompanied with heavy rain and other severe convective weather. Wind direction was in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise (clockwise in the southern hemisphere compared). The meteorological map, typhoons and other pressure lines and isotherms for a group of approximately concentric circles. Low center of the typhoon center to the vertical movement of the main flow, calm, sunny weather; eye of the typhoon vortex near the storm area, the wind heavy rain large. The history of the highest intensity, the lowest air pressure near the center of the typhoon, is the Super Typhoon Taipei (English: Typhoon Tip, Taiwan translation: Dipu), Japan's large-scale flooding in 1979 was caused by this typhoon
3 o, Q2 D& _4 s2 }+ h Taipei and the United States compared the size of the map
9 {) a' `8 E( d3 q5 H. Language in the U.S. the middle finger typhoon in the western Pacific or Indian Ocean occurs in tropical storms. If trace their etymology, perhaps to as few words as typhoon that Chinese, Arabic, Greek, East Indian language and multilingual background. Typhon both Greek word is the name Fengshen meaning classical style, while it is transmitted to the satellite image of typhoon (14) European Shiyou be expanded.) Tufan, Greek, Arabic form, passed into the Indian language, the 11th century Arabic-speaking Muslim invaders settled down in India. In this way, the Arabic word derived from Indian languages ??into English (first recorded in 1588), and the form such as touffon and tufan appear in English, especially the first severe storm in India. In China, to the words of another tropical storm - Typhoon. Guangdong Chinese language word form toi fung Arabic loan words with our similar, the earliest form of tuffoon recorded in English in 1699. Finally, all forms combined into a typhoon. Characteristics of Typhoon Typhoon Typhoon took place according to the information in recent years that the law of the typhoon and its characteristics are the following: First, there is seasonal. Typhoon (including tropical storms) generally occurs in summer between the first occurred in early May, the latest in November. Second, the typhoon center is difficult to accurately predict landing sites. The wind direction changes when the typhoon, often beyond expectations, the typhoon landing sites are often at odds with the prediction. The third is a rotation of the typhoon. The wind direction when landing after the North first, South generally. Fourth of severe damage. Do not sturdy buildings, a variety of overhead lines, trees, marine vessels, marine fish cage culture, sea and other devastating crops. Fifth, it is often accompanied by strong typhoon heavy rain, big tides, big tsunami. Six is ??a strong typhoon, the force majeure, could easily lead to casualties. China has entered l50 degrees west longitude, l0 degrees north latitude, maximum wind near the center of tropical depression is greater than 8, according to the order number from year to year, this is what we from radio, television, hear or see s × typhoon (tropical storm, tropical storm). Typhoon Typhoon Formation and Evolution of the formation of tropical sea surface by the water temperature leaving the direct sun, the sea provides ample moisture evaporation. The water vapor condensation occurs in the uplift, release large amounts of latent heat, to promote further the development of convection, so that sea level pressure falls, resulting in warm and moist air flows around the supplement, and then lift. This cycle of positive feedback, that second condition of instability (CISK) mechanism. In the vast sea conditions are right, the cycle will continue to expand the scope of up to hundreds to thousands of kilometers. As high-speed rotation of the Earth from west to east, resulting in air column and the Earth's surface friction, the friction, the stronger the closer the equator, which guide the air column counter-clockwise (clockwise rotation of the southern hemisphere systems), due to the Earth rotation speed and flow column can not keep up the speed of rotation of the earth and the formation of the westbound on feeling, which we are talking about the typhoon formation and typhoon path. The following is a geography book of high PEP Volume Description:: In the sea surface temperature exceeds 26 ℃ over the tropical and subtropical oceans, due to the high temperatures near the ocean surface, a large increase in air expansion, decrease the pressure near the ocean surface, inflow of external air continuously added up to. By the bias force of the impact of land conversion, into the air spin. The increase in cooling air expansion, which condenses to form droplets of water vapor when cooled to emit heat, but also to promote low-level air on the rise. So near the ocean surface pressure falls even lower, a more violent air rotation, and finally the formation of a typhoon. 5 \; `! z F+ v/ O2 k0 w* M5 v# I
typhoon structure
0 p2 c7 O. U* _& b" a! W from the typhoon structure seen such a huge monster, its formation must have unique conditions. First, have a broad high temperature and humidity of the atmosphere. Yang Mianshang underlying tropical temperature and humidity of the atmosphere mainly determined by sea surface temperature, typhoons formed in the sea temperature can only be higher than 26 ℃ -27 ℃ warm Yangmian Shang, and within 60 m depth water temperature should be higher than 26 ℃ -27 ℃; Second, there must be convergence of the lower atmosphere to the center, outward diffusion of the initial disturbance level. Upper level divergence and convergence must be more than the lower order to maintain an adequate updraft, can continue to strengthen the lower disturbance; third, vertical wind speed is not that much difference, relative movement of the upper and lower air is very small, to make the initial disturbance in the water vapor condensation focus on the release of latent heat energy stored in the eye of the typhoon in the area of ??the air column, the formation and strengthening of the warm center of the typhoon structure; Fourth, there must be large enough to turn bias force, the Earth's rotation for
! c* g# ]4 N3 U5 K typhoon structure
8 Y" e1 w. [, p0 \2 p with a conducive to the formation of cyclonic vortices. In turn tend to force close to zero near the equator to the poles increases, the typhoon from the base occurred at about 5 latitude above the equator of ocean. Typhoon Typhoon source source refers to the frequent typhoons sea. Typhoon mainly occurred in the global sea 8. Northern hemisphere where there are western and eastern North Pacific, the western North Atlantic, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, five sea areas, and the western hemisphere with the South Pacific, South Indian Ocean, the western and eastern sea area 3. From the annual number of typhoons and their percentage of the total number of global Typhoon regional distribution of map you can see, the global annual average of 62 typhoons can occur, occurred in the western ocean than the ocean east of the typhoon typhoon much more. Northwest Pacific Ocean is one of the most (36% or more), while the South Atlantic and Southeast Pacific typhoon has not yet been found. Northwest Pacific typhoon and three sources are relatively concentrated areas: ocean east of the Philippines, Guam and the South China Sea near the middle of ocean. Typhoon in the South China Sea, a major impact on the South China area. Typhoon mostly in southern and northern latitudes of 5 ° ~ 20 °, particularly in the 10 ° ~ 20 ° occurred in 65%. In higher latitudes than 20 ° occurred in only 13% of the typhoon, occurred within 5 ° near the equator in the typhoon little, but occasionally, some, such as the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory found that two years from 1970 to 1971, Northwest Pacific, a total of three typhoons occurred in 5 ° N south of the area. According to the analysis of satellite data over the past decade, the disturbance to develop into a typhoon clouds, can be found in a good few days ago, so this is actually the initial location of disturbance location east than previously found. Such as the North Atlantic, the former develop into typhoons that most of the initial disturbance produced in the middle of the ocean, and now was under the cloud of that two-thirds of each typhoon disturbances originated in the African continent. These disturbances generally inverted V-shaped or the performance of spiral-shaped cloud patterns, they moved west along the easterly flow to reach the central North Atlantic and the Caribbean, they will develop into a typhoon. South China Sea and the western North Pacific typhoon location of the initial disturbance, but also the location of the east than those previously found. Yangmian Shang Typhoon generated graded development in tropical low pressure system, known as tropical cyclones. International winds near its center, to determine the strength of the largest and classification: First, the level of Super Typhoon Typhoon (SuperTY): average wind speed near the center bottom is greater than 51.0 m / sec, ie 16 or more. Typhoon (STY): average wind speed near the center bottom of 41.5-50.9 m / s, ie 14-15 level. Typhoon (TY): average wind speed near the center bottom of 32.7-41.4 m / s, ie 12-13 level. Tropical storm (STS): average wind speed near the center bottom of 24.5-32.6 m / sec, ie, wind 10-11 level. Tropical Storm (TS): the average wind speed near the center bottom of 17.2-24.4 m / sec, ie, Class 8-9 wind. Tropical depression (TD): average wind speed near the center bottom of 10.8-17.1 m / s, that the wind was 6-7. Second, the tropical disturbance level (due to tropical storm tropical disturbance is the predecessor to the research and tracking, classification of a set of unique ways): POOR that bad; FAIR said the general; GOOD that good. To reflect how well the structure of tropical disturbances, and the prospects to develop into tropical cyclones. Once likely to strengthen into a tropical depression. At this point JTWC tropical cyclone warning also (TCFA), then the disturbance may be FAIR or GOOD level. However, not all systems have been upgraded to a tropical depression will be issued before the TCFA, especially in East Asia named institutions in the current case of JMA, JMA very quickly if the name, JTWC time may be non-normal transmitter release TCFA, but also may directly upgraded to tropical depression (although this situation is not much). Typhoon Typhoon energy of various meteorological elements and weather phenomena in the horizontal distribution can be divided into the outer area (including the outer cloud bands and within the cloud band), cloud wall area and the eye of the typhoon three regions; vertical direction can be divided into low-flow layer (about 1 km or less), upper outflow layer (approximately 10 km) and the middle layer of rising air (1 km to 10 km around) three levels (Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the typhoon.) Lower in the periphery of the typhoon, typhoon zones with several branch lines of the spiral flow pressure involved in a typhoon zone, convergence increased, prompting the development of convective clouds, the formation of the outer region outside the typhoon belt and within the cloud band cloud; corresponding typhoon picture (17) There are several clouds spiral rainbands. The more air flow inside the involvement of precession to the typhoon, the tangential wind speed is also growing, from the typhoon center at a certain distance, not spin into the air, so a lot of moist air forced to rise strongly, the formation of towering clouds surrounding the center wall, composed of cumulonimbus cloud top of the wall up to 19 km, this is the cloud wall area. Maximum wind speed of typhoon in the inside of the wall in the cloud, the maximum rainfall occurred in the cloud wall area, so the cloud wall area is the most easy to form the storm disaster area. When the cloud updraft to reach the wall region at high altitude, due to the pressure gradient weakens, a lot of air is forced outside the throwing form out of layers, only a small part of the inward flow of air typhoon center, and sink, resulting in a clear center of the typhoon, which is eye of the typhoon zone. Eye of the typhoon radius of about 10 to 70 km with an average of about 25 km. Wall area of ??cloud temperature and the release of latent heat sinking temperature typhoon eye area, the typhoon into a warm core low pressure systems. Typhoon mainly in the lower air flow into the low pressure. The angular momentum balance, including the area can have a very strong wind, the outflow of high-level anti-cyclone flow. Between the upper and lower circulation linked by strong upward motion, which is the main features of the typhoon circulation. Typhoon warmest temperature is caused by the sinking motion, which is emerging within the inner edge of the eye wall, where the strongest sinking motion. Maximum wind speed in the lower radius of the typhoon, the strongest convergence, the value of the radius of maximum wind speed with height variation in size very small, and being in the eye wall. Another typhoon is the asymmetry of the structure to draw attention to the characteristics of this analysis shows that, both in and outside the typhoon zone within the area have clear asymmetry, this asymmetry for the momentum and kinetic energy of typhoon development and delivery, etc. have an important role. Synoptic scale typhoon is moving strongly in the atmosphere of energy, and thus the energy of typhoons on the atmospheric circulation on the change and maintain the required significant impact, this issue has attracted much attention. Energy issues in this year was also noted that the level of angular momentum transport in the typhoon vortex outside the area is very important; In addition, the outer zone and the production of momentum transfer is also very important, they are in the typhoon should not be neglected in the energy budget, which the asymmetry are related to the typhoon. Structure of a mature typhoon typhoon typhoon, according to their structure and bring weather into eye of the typhoon, vortex storm area, the external wind zone three parts, from the center outward in concentric circles like arrangement. Eye of the typhoon in the typhoon center, a diameter of about 5 to 10 km. Downdraft in the typhoon eye prevails, so the weather sunny and calm. Eye of the typhoon wind and rain outside the scroll area, where the prevalence of strong convergence of rising air, forming thick clouds, appeared the storm, the wind often 12 or more, the weather is the worst typhoon in the region. And then outward to the external wind area, wind speed decreases outwards, the wind usually six or more. Stormy weather often brings the typhoon, causing sea waves, a serious threat to maritime security. After landing, you can destroy crops, a variety of building facilities, resulting in great loss of lives and property is a great harm severe weather. Typhoon mainly in the lower air flow into the low pressure. The angular momentum balance, including the area can produce very strong winds, high level anti-cyclone in the outflow gas. Between the upper and lower circulation linked by strong upward motion, which is the main features of the typhoon circulation. Typhoon warmest temperature is caused by the sinking motion, which is emerging within the inner edge of the eye wall, where the strongest sinking motion. Maximum wind speed in the lower radius of the typhoon, the strongest convergence, the value of the radius of maximum wind speed with height variation in size very small, and being in the eye wall. Another typhoon is the asymmetry of the structure to draw attention to the characteristics of this analysis shows that, both in and outside the typhoon zone within the area have clear asymmetry, this asymmetry for the momentum and kinetic energy of typhoon development and delivery, etc. have an important role. Synoptic scale typhoon is moving strongly in the atmosphere of energy, and thus the energy of typhoons on the atmospheric circulation on the change and maintain the required significant impact, this issue has attracted much attention. Energy issues in this year was also noted that the level of angular momentum transport in the typhoon vortex outside the area is very important; In addition, the production of the outer zone and transport of momentum is also very important, they are in the typhoon should not be neglected in the energy budget, which the asymmetry are related to the typhoon. Typhoon typhoon moving direction and speed depends on the driving force acting on the typhoon. Internal forces and external power point two. Range of internal forces of the typhoon caused by internal gap between north and south latitudes tend to force the land transfer between the north and west caused the force, the greater the scope of the typhoon, the stronger the wind, the greater the internal forces. External environment force the typhoon vortex flow field force of the typhoon, that the basic flow south of the northern hemisphere subtropical easterly belt guiding influence. Internal forces generated when the first major work in the typhoon, typhoon force is the dominant force control, which is basically a typhoon moving from east to west. Because the shape of the subtropical high, position, intensity and other factors, caused by the typhoon moving path is not consistent with law and become diverse. North of the western Pacific typhoon path,lunettes de soleil ray ban, for example, generally has three of its mobile path: ① west type east of the typhoon from the Philippines has moved west, through the South China Sea, Hainan Island, China finally, landing in the northern region of Guangxi and Vietnam, this route occurred in the northern hemisphere winter and spring. At that time the Northern Hemisphere subtropical high south, so the low latitude typhoon, the path south, generally south of 16 degrees north latitude to enter the South China Sea, and finally landed in Vietnam, affecting Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and other countries. Even into the Bay of Bengal. ② landing type: typhoon to move northwest, first landed in the island of Taiwan, and then pass through the Taiwan Strait in China, Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang coastal landing again, and gradually weakened to a tropical low pressure. Such a typhoon in China the most. ③ parabolic: Typhoon first move northwest, when close to China's east coast, do not visit and turn to the northeast, near the turn to go to Japan, the path a parabola shape, this path occurred in 5-6 months and 9-11 months. An extratropical cyclone in the end most of the variability. After the formation of typhoons, usually out of the source and through the development, maturity, evolution of weakened and dying. A mature typhoon, cyclone radius generally 500km ~ 1000km, height up to 15km ~ 20km, the typhoon from the external area, the maximum wind region and the typhoon eye of three parts. Peripheral area of ??the wind speed increases from the outside, there are spiral cloud bands and the matrix precipitation; most intense precipitation in the maximum wind speed zone and the average width of 8km ~ 19km, between it and the eye of the typhoon cloud wall ring; in the typhoon eye of the typhoon the central area, were round or oval diameter of about 10km ~ 70km range, with an average of about 45km. Typhoon eye area wind speed, air pressure were the lowest, the weather showed no wind, few clouds and dry and warm. With the strengthening of the typhoon, the typhoon eye will gradually shrink and round. And weak typhoon, and the early development of the typhoon, the satellite cloud-free eye of the typhoon often (but sometimes low-level eye of the typhoon.) Several unusual path to the western North Pacific common exception path: According to the exception of the impact of the typhoon path, usually the exception path divided into eight types: (1) Yellow Sea off the West Typhoon: The main features of typhoons along the 125E to the Yellow Sea near the north suddenly West off, hit the coastal provinces of Liaoning Shandong Hebei, while the normal path is in this area turn to the northeast. (2) South China Sea typhoon North Alice: This type is characterized by the typhoon turns sharply to the northern South China Sea, north along the meridian direction, a positive hit Guangdong Province. Normal path is to continue westward in the northern South China Sea, landed in western Guangdong, Hainan Island and Vietnam. (3) inverted parabolic path: inverted parabolic and parabolic path Instead, it folds to move west or southwest, a few landed in the East China. Normal path is to move northwest or northeast direction to turn into a parabola, (4) swing path (also known as , and there is mutual attraction of the trend. Fujiwara Japanese meteorologists had done this experiment, and pointed out that during the role of mutual attraction. (5) serpentine path: the course of the typhoon in the forward, swing left and right simultaneously, the performance into a serpentine path. When forecasting, every swing, the conclusions are likely to cause confusion forecast, or live with constantly changing forecasts conclusions. (6) clockwise spin: Typhoon spinning its way toward a rapid change, spin after choosing a new path is often moving, so that the original prediction of failure. Spin clockwise flow generally weak in the basic environment. (7) counter-clockwise spin: some counter-clockwise spin in the interaction of several basic flow and environment, which spin clockwise and very weak basic flow in different environments. (8) high-latitude front landing: This typhoon has since moved toward the northwest, visit North Korea and China, Liaoning, Shandong area. Such paths are stable, but the probability is very small. On the same longitude, this path than the path of the front landing in East China 10-15 to northerly latitudes. Typhoon number of Chinese to enter the 180 degrees west longitude, latitude 0 degrees north, the maximum wind near center of tropical cyclones is greater than eight, according to the sequence of numbers every year, this is what we from radio, television, hear or see The number of typhoons is the number of tropical cyclones. The reason why people want to be number of tropical cyclones, a tropical cyclone the one hand, because often more than a week, and may occur in the ocean a few tropical cyclones, with the serial number, it will not be confused; and partly because of the tropical cyclone naming, definition, classification and determination of the center, due to different countries, different methods are different each other, even the same country, in different weather stations are not exactly the same between, therefore, often leads to various misunderstandings, resulting in the use of the confusion. China began since 1959 or each year into the north of the equator, 180 degrees west longitude in the Pacific, and South China Sea near center of maximum wind is greater than or equal to 8 tropical cyclones (tropical storm strength or above) its emergence in the order number. Coastal waters of the tropical cyclone, when the clouds clear structure and circulation, just to obtain the maximum average winds near the center of 7 and above report, also numbered. Number by four digital form. First two digits indicate the year, the year after the storm above the two is the number of tropical cyclones. Such as the 2003 No. 13 Typhoon Tropical depression, tropical disturbance in tropical cyclone numbers are not used. When a tropical cyclone to a tropical low attenuation or degeneration to stop when an extratropical cyclone in its number. Tropical disturbance is a tropical storm as the predecessor to the research and tracking, a set of unique numbering. For example: the disturbance from the Pacific Northwest In different oceans, the tropical disturbance with different suffixes: 01 North Atlantic - L 02 of the Northeast Pacific - E 03 Pacific Northwest - W 04 in the North Pacific Ocean - C 05 Bay of Bengal - B 06 Arabian Sea - A 07 South Indian Ocean - S 08 South Pacific - P 09 of the South Atlantic - Q 10 Mediterranean - M for the tropical depression, tropical disturbance is a combination of these suffixes, according to the order number from year to year. Example: In 2006, the first western North Pacific tropical depression 01W or 200 603 001 number. Origin of term The paper refers to The significance of the hurricane or typhoon turned cold winds of gale collectively. On the The first is History of divine right The second category is Since most of Taiwan's typhoon in the Pacific and South China Sea north of the path of the hub, many of the typhoon is across the Taiwan Strait, the mainland's. Direction from the mainland point of view, this storm is from Taiwan, saying it was a typhoon is very natural thing. Of the ideographic characters, plus the wind sound from the station to form the word word Taiwan. Of course, the Typhoon, the English called typhoon, Greek, Arabic name tufan, similar pronunciation and Chinese in particular, are in Arabic and English meaning of Aeolus. Typhoon word from Mother Earth in Greek mythology, the son of Gaia, Typhon, which is a long with a hundred leading Monster, the legendary children of this first Monster is the terrible winds. Later, the word came to China together with the Cantonese and Toi Fung to become the word of the Typhoon. We call the Typhoon is actually a strong tropical cyclone. Typhoons and hurricanes are the kind of wind, but occurred in different locations, different names, typhoons in the western North Pacific, west of the international dates, including the South China Sea; in the Atlantic or the eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones called hurricanes, that is, hurricanes in the United States, said that the area in the Philippines, China, Japan, area called the typhoon. According to experts, the Pacific Northwest is the world's typhoon (tropical storm) is most active in the area, landing in China each year there are six or seven much. Over the years, the countries and regions where tropical storms come and go different name for the same typhoon often have several names. Of their regional and chronological occurrence for four yards number two for the year, after two yuan for the sequence number. Based in Tokyo, Japan, the World Meteorological Organization, the Asia-Pacific region under the center of the typhoon professional weather stations, places into the 180 degrees east longitude, north of the equator in the order number. Guam Navy Joint Typhoon Warning Center is named with the names of Anglo-American countries, the international media coverage is also commonly used in the naming of Guam. There are some countries or regions that affect the area itself was named the Typhoon. In order to avoid name confusion, the countries and regions hold special meeting decided that all active in the Northwest Pacific typhoon (tropical storm), all from the last year using the 14 Asia Pacific countries (regions) co-sanctioned with the characteristics of a new Asia-Pacific region name for typhoon disaster in people of all countries to strengthen international and regional cooperation. This set consists of 14 members of the 140 typhoon names, in addition to Hong Kong and Macao have 10, the mainland's 10 are: Dragon King, (Sun) Monkey, Rabbit, Haiyan, Aeolus, Neptune, azalea, Dianmu, hippocampus, and Begonia. Experts said that the typhoon No. 5 Rammasun, is named after Thailand, meaning No. 8 tropical storm It is reported that after the tropical storm would strengthen into a typhoon. Experts say early in the 18th century, the Australian meteorologist whim, and began to use female names to typhoons named as an honor or memorial gift his girlfriend, wife or by the cold of the politicians. This approach rapidly popular in western countries. In 1949, the first Atlantic hurricane to be named Lady Typhoon season a year, while the Gulf of Mexico out of two typhoons were named This led to an unprecedented Little Sisters of the great flood. The results, oppose the use of female names to the surging movement of the typhoon named, letters and voice almost drowned out the press and the weather bureau. Nevertheless, but stubbornly insisted meteorologists in this practice, many countries have been in use to the late 70s. Hurricane of 1979 came round, it is the first time in U.S. history with a male character named typhoon names. Interestingly, the current use of the name of the Western Pacific typhoon disaster is still little meaning, mostly with a gentle, peace of Italy, such as jasmine, rose, pearl, lotus flower, clouds, etc., does not quite seem to typhoon. Experts believe that the typhoon will not only bring squally showers, and sometimes for the benefit of mankind. Hot summer season, visit the typhoon drought and heat may be discharged, so the name from an elegant anyway. However, the Typhoon Committee provides otherwise, if a typhoon is indeed committed heinous crimes, the member can ask for applicants to put the nail in the disaster history of the devil is always a shame rack. Typhoon in the crimes against humanity,lunettes pas chere, it is also protecting humankind. Typhoon brought fresh water for human resources, greatly easing the global water shortage. Not too big a diameter of typhoon landing can bring three billion tons of precipitation. In addition, the typhoon is also hot and cold throughout the world remained relatively balanced. Equatorial climate is hot, if the typhoon to disperse the heat, the tropics would be hotter, cold will be colder, temperate will disappear from the Earth. In short, the typhoon too much No, not no good. Typhoon name internationally harmonized nomenclature by Typhoon neighboring countries and regions to develop a common name list in advance, and then cycle is repeated year after year in order to use. For more information and see the typhoon named table nomenclature. As a result of some of the typhoon caused great damage to or replacement of other reasons mentioned naming the country, some of the typhoon were to be abandoned. The typhoon was removed: when a typhoon caused heavy losses, removed from the list to be used to separate reservation. No. 11 of 2010 super typhoon yuan. Replacement named yet published. 2009, No. 8, removal, replacement named yet published. 2009, the 16th typhoon 2009 No 17, Super Typhoon, unpublished replacement named. 2006 No. 1 typhoon 2006 4 strong tropical storm . 8,lunette de soleil, 2006 super typhoon Son Tinh). 2006, the 16th super typhoon On June 22, 2006 super typhoon 9, 2005, typhoon 40 million people were evacuated, the Shanghai subway outage. Direct economic losses in Zhejiang alone 65 billion (including loss of 2.7 billion yuan in Ningbo). Jiangsu weather the storm occurred, and caused economic losses of 1.2 billion. Substitute the name No. 14 of 2005 super typhoon No. 19 of 2005 super typhoon Typhoon No. 1 of 2004 |