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发表于 2011-8-19 14:01:00 | 只看该作者
! O! A$ ?: f$ M    恕我愚钝,不能理解为什么中日必有一战,ralph lauren pas cher。外交部前副部长、前驻日大使徐敦信说,中日要世世代代友好下去。以徐敦信的身份,按照惯例他说这话是代表党和政府的,这些爱国人士怎么就不听党和政府的话呢?
& |, w3 m5 a# C    中国是否必胜无疑也不好说。从历史上看,中日之间的战争,中国都最终胜利了。在明朝的时候,中国没费多大劲就打败了日本,比镇压李自成张献忠轻松得多。到了上世纪那场战争,中国还是赢了,但并非完全依靠自己的力量打赢的,更不是在我党的领导下打赢的,其中有美帝国主义和苏联老大哥的很大功劳。虽然他们也不是什么好鸟,但事实摆在那里。准确的说,中国抗日战争的胜利,是全世界反法西斯战争胜利的一部分。4 E) T9 T; e/ m" o- J
    有一种说法,叫做正义必定战胜邪恶,据说抗日战争的胜利就是如此。站在历史的高度审视,把时间常数设定为无穷大,正义是一定要战胜邪恶的。但是教科书告诉我们,历史是波浪式前进的。什么意思呢?就是在一定时期内,邪恶也要战胜正义。这种事情,在中国的历史上一而再、再而三的上演。蒙古人的铁蹄踏遍大江南北,元朝的野蛮统治维持了98年。满族人比蒙古人更牛,他们喊着留头不留发,留发不留头的口号进来,但是清朝的统治维持了268年。% X4 Q& |- }; H/ h. L
0 e; H: V) \# s3 G    很多时候胜利靠的并不是所谓正义而是实力。套用那句名言,就是枪杆子里面出胜利。; H5 o6 ^, S, q! l
    其实大家都知道,大国之间的战争真正打起来的可能很小。原因很简单,谁也没有完胜对方的能力。一旦开战,必然两败俱伤。杀敌一千,自损八百。鼓吹战争的爱国人士,应该做好当炮灰的准备。这样的爱国人士,不是爱国者,而是爱国贼。) ^1 ^$ g5 h  F, N8 a
    战争的主要目的还是经济利益。如果和和气气就能赚钱,又何必大动干戈,大打出手?! {) D3 K0 Q9 S" s8 ]
    改革开放的“开放”,就是打开国门,casque beats,让洋鬼子到中国来赚钱;我们也走出国门,去赚洋鬼子的钱,大家优势互补,mercurial vapor% U  r! ]1 M3 M) D
4 ~' x# f' b' s# }: o) C, i  M$ R2 s0 I    这些企业到了中国都实施本土化政策,员工聘用中国人,高层管理是他们自己的人,beats by dre。他们试图在中国施行他们的管理制度。我们不得不承认,他们那一套东西确实更先进。. V2 S8 L9 _$ m8 P; U: G0 y  s8 F
    他们很快就名副其实的本土化了,天朝的种种潜规则大行其道。家乐福最典型,foot chaussures,收取供货商的入场费是最恶劣的行径之一。吃了人家的嘴软,拿了人家的手软,它还怎么维护消费者的权利呢?2 r2 K; r: S! x* Q0 B
2 X) j6 A! b  U1 t( n    宁肯给主子做奴才,也不让外人来维护自己做人的基本权利。对于这种脑残的人,我无话可说。
5 ]" s1 I& ~4 {0 A    日本这个民族的文化,我一直是佩服的。他们遵守规则一丝不苟,甚至到了认死理的程度。在我们这个以变通为荣的国度看来,是多么荒唐。比如当年在战场上,白刃战之前,日本鬼子一定要把子弹退出来。这种精神反映到商业活动中,就是要全心全意为消费者的服务。: [+ {% h( M# T: K
( M9 r5 P5 h) B( T* c" L; L' X) ?# f " z1 _- P) V- ~
  7 |. _) i2 f* u9 B
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- @# G% R) _3 K1 P  & U8 U+ l0 ~& K2 I  {. a5 p% I" m/ U
   so each of us days are living in dire straits
  U9 C( I. d$ x& _* x8 H  m! L4 N  ( i+ n' J% q# f- B2 n9 I
- `+ z$ j+ b- P0 ?3 v+ s) F- F) d* `
BEIJING, July 29 – A Beijing bar is hosting a three-day blues festival starting on Friday, featuring a dozen bands and soloists from around the world.8 P8 N  g- p* M7 ?9 n, |0 J# r
Cafe CD Blues, on the Third Ring Road near the Agricultural Exhibition Center, and its previous location a few blocks further south, has been home to the city's alternative music scene since the 1980s.8 y9 [! `$ a1 O7 A. k/ L
It has been owned for nearly two years by veteran R&B singer and bass player "Big John" Zhang Ling.1 ^+ A" n# `% b! M- x
Playing on Friday from 7 pm are Chinese band Little Inn, the US' Peter Muchinson Band, Bobo Stump from Japan, Matt Cooper (featuring Swiss Werner Fischer on guitar) and Defy, a Chinese rockabilly group. The night finishes at 1 am.
5 J! G, N& F8 l4 p7 P9 f. ~On Saturday, Joseph J. Johanna from New Zealand will perform folk blues from 3:30 pm, followed by Chinese band Out of Control, then Fernando Fidanza, the Peter Muchinson band again, Zhang Di and Lucy in an East meets West performance, and then the Big John Blues Band led by the bar's owner. The evening will finish with a blues jamming session from about 11:15 pm.
7 f) v( R1 F3 v; H  m  ]7 K) zFernando Fidanza will kick things off from 2:30 pm on Sunday with his Italian Blues. He'll be followed with a harp clinic and harmonica competition until 5 pm. Starting at 4:30 pm outside will be another set by Joseph J. Johanna, then Hong Kong's Chit Chat band, Hoochie Coochie Gentlemen, Bobo Stump and finally, The Chinese Hell Cats from 10:30 pm.$ X4 R9 H. ?  D) O' K9 Z5 {
The cost of admission is 150 yuan ($23), including a free drink, for each day, or 400 yuan, including a free drink every day, for all three days.4 g+ g2 R+ d: j- [5 {! H, e
"Beijing will have seen nothing like it," says one of the event's promoters, Beijing-based US businessman Craig Quick.
+ S' v0 X; I4 r/ H: u"This is a brilliant line-up of extremely talented musicians who know and love the blues inside out. It's going to be a tremendous occasion."
3 h, z% \9 Z  f( S5 `5 X, lIn the early 1980s, as bassist for Chinese rock legend Cui Jian, Zhang Lin developed a deep understanding of the development of modern music in China when Western music was considered "capitalist". He used to listen to The Beatles tracks smuggled in from the US.
( C5 e, `8 T' M8 ^9 |1 ^6 MZhang studied bass in Australia and returned to China to collaborate with some of the top blues and jazz artists in the country, creating in 1995 China's first jazz fusion band, Tien Square. In 1996, he joined his old band mate, Cui, and International Monetary Fund vice-president John Anderson to form the first blues band in China, The Rhythm Dogs. He released his first solo album, Nu Ren De Ge (A Woman's Song), in 2008, and also runs a musician booking agency.
, q: o! X; T. Z; h; y- DMany of the world's jazz greats have visited or performed at the CD Blues Cafe and Bar, including Wynton Marsalis, Kenny Garrett and Herbie Hancock's band.
8 [! ]8 m/ w8 d" ~; }Blues evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music and oral traditions imported from West Africa and rural tunes into a wide variety of styles and subgenres, with regional variations across the US.
发表于 2011-8-20 21:44:00 | 只看该作者
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0 G6 m5 X" _! u( K我们学校女生楼的传达室有一个喊话机,nike mercurial。大妈天天喊“XXX的,XX,有人找。”里面的人大喊一声“来了!”呵呵,颇有某古迹之遗风。故事发生在刚刚放假的时候。一个值班的大妈把喊话机挨个寝室打开,mercurial vapor,听听是否还有没离开学校的学生,到320寝室时听到屋里有一男一女的谈话声,大妈心想“都放假几天了,怎么还有人没走?”随即走上楼去,到320寝室发现门锁着,打开门,推开一看:空无一人!大妈有点纳闷,走到楼下,又打开喊话机,louboutin pas cher,那一男一女还在说话,polo ralph lauren!!而且声音特别模糊,ralph lauren pas cher。也听不出什么东西,大妈以为有学生在和她“搞游击战”打电话叫来了院保卫处的人,保卫处的人来了以后取了钥匙上楼去看,留那个大妈在下面,franklin and marshall,两个人就上去了。大妈在楼下听着喊话机,那两个人还在说话。突然听到开门声,ralph lauren pas cher,两个人的声音一下就没了!接着听到保卫处的人喊:“屋里没有人呀!还有声音吗?”大妈赶紧让保卫处的人下来。一说情况,几个人都不寒而栗。一个人建议再把喊话机打开,那两个声音又出现了!!一男一女好象在说什么悄悄话。楼下的一个保卫干部对着喊话机大喊一声:“是谁!!”喊话机里传出“咕嘟、咕嘟、咕嘟”的喝水声音,然后归于寂静。几个人都害怕了,赶紧又找来不少人,把整个女生楼搜查一遍。没有发现一个学生…………回头检查旧档案,发现在320寝室曾经有一对恋人在这里自杀,也是在刚刚放假学生都离校后,两人一起喝了毒药……
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4 ~0 D- @, W3 k8 k  UUNITED NATIONS, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said here Wednesday that "Afghanistan will remain one of our main priorities in 2010," and the relations between Afghanistan and its international partners "must be reevaluated."
发表于 2011-8-21 18:11:00 | 只看该作者
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& d" V; c3 i0 |1 N  相关资料显示,新兴市场长期以来的表现一直可圈可点。数据显示,在过去的15年间,全球涨幅第一的市场全部为新兴市场,moncler quincy pas cher。其中,moncler,俄罗斯独揽3次第一,中国、巴西、埃及各2次,印尼、摩洛哥、秘鲁、巴基斯坦、土耳其、韩国也各有一次成为涨幅冠军。值得注意的是,相对A股市场,其他新兴市场国家整体有着更高的股市回报率。据统计,2000年至2010年6月30日,MSCI新兴市场指数收益率为175.02%,而上证综指收益率为33.65%。
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9 s+ l; f* X1 J3 }' a  有业内市场人士表示,从目前看,即将收官的2010年A股市场表象依然差强人意,截至12月28日,上证综指今年以来下跌幅度达16.23%,反观海外市场的表现普遍好于国内市场,截至11月30日,MSCI发达市场指数涨幅为4.7%,MSCI新兴市场指数涨幅达11.1%;其中,泰国、秘鲁、印尼三地市场分别以58.1%、50%、48.3%的涨幅领跑全球新兴市场。
  Y0 |* O# [- g  中银全球拟任基金经理唐华认为,QDII基金的投资时机很重要,当前在全球主要经济体普遍采取量化宽松政策的格局下,缓慢的复苏脚步和充裕的流动性,为国内投资者借QDII出海提供了好时机。他进一步分析,QDII基金的全球资产布局恰恰可以抓住其中的机遇。一方面对冲投资国内A股市场的风险,另一方面可以在更大范围上选择投资品种,分享其他国家经济增长带来的成果。目前大部分新兴市场受金融危机的冲击较小,在回暖过程中复苏的力度与速度预计将领先。国投瑞银全球新兴市场基金经理路荣强也表示,无论是经济增长速度还是证券市场表现,doudoune moncler,全球新兴市场未来几年的表现都值得看好。而投资新兴市场,也将成为国内投资者分散A股市场风险、分享新兴经济体发展成果的重要选择。
0 i  W4 P( }3 y  与此同时,尽管业内一直对QDII基金褒贬不一,但作为分散单一市场风险的投资工具,其配置价值日益显现。数据显示,今年以来18只QDII全部取得正收益,其中有9只QDII基金产品平均增长率达10.44%。今年6月成立的国投瑞银全球新兴市场基金净值增长率已接近8%,Giubbotto Moncler Donna。此外,QDII基金数量的增加也使产品更趋多元化,如即将发行的中银全球策略基金将在世界范围内通过精选ETF和主动型基金,实现在各个不同资本市场及行业间的灵活配置。国投瑞银全球新兴市场基金则是以全球新兴市场指数为业绩跟踪基准,投资区域包括21个国家和地区,louboutin pas cher,不仅包括“金砖四国”,还包括泰国、印尼、秘鲁、南非等国家,该产品主要通过精选具有国际竞争力或高成长性的全球新兴市场优质公司股票,深入挖掘全球新兴市场的投资机会。
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" e9 L( a  H$ X) \+ t$ R  面对越来越多样化的QDII基金产品,如何选择合适的QDII基金已成为投资者的新课题。对此,doudoune moncler pas cher,专家建议,投资者不妨从风险收益与投资区域、投资主题来选择QDII基金,Piumini Moncler。无论是新兴市场还是成熟市场都与A股市场有着不小的差别,因此,除了了解风险收益水平和投资标的外,基金公司的海外市场投研能力也是QDII基金能否取得较好表现的另一重要因素。  `3 d2 B- B5 Z
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+ ?2 `8 y7 C, C  ], O  记者高国华自“出生”就饱受质疑的QDII基金终于在2010年迎来“第二春”,临近年底,QDII基金迎来发行小高潮,包括即将发行或正在发行的中银全球策略基金、海富通大中华基金等,国内QDII基金产品总数已突破30只,而去年仅为9只,短短一年时间内,QDII基金在数量上就翻了两番。
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发表于 2011-8-22 14:54:00 | 只看该作者
  经审讯,贩毒夫妇分别叫刘雄和张春燕,此前,他们带着3岁的儿子做掩护,从昆明花2万多元购买104克海洛因,搭乘火车抵达贵阳后急寻买主。没想到,刚出手就被民警抓获,moncler piumini
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6 S& b* r6 A: ~* E! Z  金黔在线讯 昨日,南明区公安分局向媒体通报,一对20多岁的年轻夫妇竟用3岁的儿子做掩护,从昆明购买海洛因运到贵阳后贩卖。7月4日下午,Moncler,水口寺派出所将正在贩卖海洛因的夫妇抓获,当场收缴海洛因104克。3 o. r$ a2 ~2 X
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发表于 2011-8-24 14:43:00 | 只看该作者
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& m5 f3 l9 C/ s3 r  如果你拥有朋友,就应善待友情。真正的朋友彼此之间能寻求到一种语言与情感的相通,这是一笔精神上的巨大财富。拥有了朋友,就能从对方那里找到没有的感觉或答案;可以让曾迷茫的你找到柳暗花明的感觉;也可以从对方学习到自己缺乏的知识……不同的人拥有各自不同的风景,不同的风景却又展示出各种不同的韵味。你能在这些美丽的风景中得到许多快乐和欣慰。- ^% A4 b6 A, e
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  有人说:是天生的,是缘份,而友情却需努力争取,Christian Louboutin。我想真正的友情它将会给人留下美好的享受与难以忘却的记忆。诗人纪伯伦曾说过:“和你一同笑过的人你也许很快就把他忘却,而同你一同哭过的人你也许一生就会记住他”。其实道理很简单,Giubbotti Moncler,就是你是否真正用自我的真诚去结识朋友、善待朋友。因为同你一同笑的人也许很多很多。而同你一同哭的人,也许是不多的。哭泣是需要的,如果没有真正的情感与相互间的了解,是永远找不到哭的感觉。真正的朋友它可以让人在时给人以安慰;成功时给人以掌声;快乐时给人以共享。
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0 A# m5 m. D. |  $ X8 f7 J( ^7 z! Y0 x
  如果你的朋友是异性,而你却为了证明自己能力有多大,能在别人面前吹嘘自己如何拥有这个异性朋友而满足自己另类的性情,这样的友情我想始终是存在于一种虚伪与欺骗的环境中,终将随着时间与空间的改变而露出其庐山真面目的。如果你的朋友是一个所谓的名人,Christian Louboutin pas cher,而你认识他只是企图他能从物质上帮助你改变你现状,这样的朋友也许他能让你得到一些物质上暂时的满足,Giubbotto Moncler,但你的灵魂与精神却永远是贫穷的。
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9 D; V6 d/ q! l  感谢友情!友情给予我欢乐、给予我真诚。我在这世上经历了太多的风风雨雨,有失有得,但我珍惜这份来之不易的真诚的友情。2 Z% Y' |6 `/ W1 B6 Z7 z
  ! [& g* ^/ e) x  f* v
  善待自己,必须善待友情。一个人的天空是狭小的、单调的,友情织成的天空,是广阔的,piumini moncler,也是灿烂的。友情能给你的生活增添情趣,让你更多的洞悉外面的世界,mercurial。时,有朋友与你同担伤痛,会减掉几分;欢乐时,有朋友与你共享欢乐,会更加浓郁。友情是中一笔无价的财富。(责任编辑:越醉越想你)相关的主题文章:
* C3 m/ o+ u0 S 5 ]2 b3 l0 k2 v" b  ]
  / l* M$ H& i: p
     很久很久以前: H- K6 t: w- n" N5 R
5 D( q) {1 u; f& Z     想你……
" X+ B3 a6 _1 L  / B# [) g1 N" y8 k# b
   假如那天晚上我陪您和母亲一起去+ E2 g& p- r5 ?5 }( W3 [
  1 d  G! F1 C! v4 G: E4 w
: @, X. c1 n" T) D% L
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told the ministers in his Cabinet on Tuesday that they are likely to resign on Aug. 30, when his successor is expected to come, according to Kyodo News report.0 Z+ z+ t' {, [
Kan has suggested that he would quit after securing parliamentary passage of the bill to allow the government to issue deficit-covering bonds in fiscal 2011 and the bill to promote the use of renewable energy.* }+ |. D3 C/ ]$ P+ t
The two bills are expected to be passed by Friday.
- o/ H7 T5 u3 Y5 A& V0 j& s( p. Y% |The ruling Democratic Party of Japan is planning to select its next leader, who is likely to become Japan's sixth prime minister in five years.
) l  |6 P" @) g6 I" S9 aJapan's finance minister Yoshihiko Noda, industry minister Banri Kaieda are the front runners in the leadership race, while former foreign minister Seiji Maehara has reemerged as another potential candidate to succeed Kan.
发表于 2011-8-24 22:47:00 | 只看该作者
we paid a really, why they do not understand our family, the community may still have a lot of people do not understand, Online there are real feelings, my brother, sister in law are met online, as now, have been very happy. Why do we love will not get the support of others? How can I do?
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not two days,abercrombie, he told me that he and his family could not help but mention me, for me and an argument with family. He is now helpless. He is the county seat, families in very good condition, and only child. Now go to work in the Construction Bureau. And I'm just a working, I am struggling. But he said, can not live without me, he fell in love with me. Eventually we met the second side. Later, my family know that we matter, Mom and Dad said as long as the home of our people, they do not have opinions. My mother met Lei, mother liked him. # j* }0 P8 c7 u1 `- K% P
+ ]# k. h) b, h& u
Content Loading ...
8 {& z+ @# F9 J' A! L
5 u7 }4 `4 i' @0 @
1 g: M6 Z) {. H0 |, L' |' Q
4 r; W5 ~! F- s. H0 g9 F Lei get kidney stones a few days ago, I went to see him, he was in the hospital,abercrombie and fitch, I live in a hotel at night , he endured the pain came to me for is to see me, fear me alone, that moment, I told myself, unless he does not love me, or I will not leave him.
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, `( T7 _7 ]8 ]- ^$ ^& A
# ^! H% m; n2 e- t9 `
  I. b8 k; {( P6 U) M
: U, ]" B* |' b! @" \7 T9 {7 V( u his family strongly against us, his family said they met online, they will not be accepted. We even thought of picking up marriage license first.
3 n5 J5 `' |( ~1 ?2 ^ very early this year, I go home,Giubbotto Moncler, the family is blind asked me to come back, no way do not want to let them down,chaussure louboutin, January 18 I went back home, and I feel too awkward blind date, and two people not understanding, how to say what the topic. Rogue forum made me think of marriage in the post, to find Anhui. Posts out of out, plus I have a lot of people. This time I found a man left me for some words of encouragement, he read all my diary. He said that much like our experience. At first I thought he had seen my post before entering the space,mercurial pas cher, I asked him not to candidates, and he engaged in Mongolia, and chatted just understand that we are in the same group where, of course,louboutin pas cher, He and my family is not far. 4 @4 p8 _6 S, \

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# b/ I9 m  N3 [2 r* t
! U3 ]% h+ w! l7 E( I2 l2 S * w8 X/ |; E& ~$ ~* M" K$ g- U
(Editor: admin)
& w$ u' B; m# i find we have much the same, and unwittingly found himself in love with him, he should be the same of. And he talked for a few days I met him first hand, for the first time we met, I feel like an old friend, did not meet any of the feeling he is my other half. He told me he has a girlfriend, a family man-pro, he did not like her. % L3 y' s4 ^+ ~5 j. u

+ r6 l* v, l7 Z2 P  `/ j
6 q1 @8 Z  R) f, ]# U$ ] Anhui girl I now do a clothing store manager in Shenzhen, I am 22 years old this year, no boyfriend , is not nobody like me, not I do not like the others, but I promised my parents,piumini moncler, must find a home of her boyfriend, not too far away from them. But in Shenzhen, where I was 4 years,abercrombie and fitch paris, almost not encountered fellow had gone out with a boyfriend, he is in Hunan, the family does not agree, eventually broke up. Later, it has not been looking for a boyfriend.
' k% n" C0 f: ~. ^0 i 相关的主题文章:2 ?# m& u+ m# |+ F5 J
4 C0 U; g' f1 P' C
! ~/ R( l4 A9 U9 W" N   只想陪你坐一坐
* D5 {2 y8 t0 G* W( P8 ]+ ]  
; O! Y/ |% w1 m( D; N   发生状况的时候4 h  y$ _% H$ M* I) a( u& Q! K
# U3 q! |/ h! ]) l1 x   this is what a sad feeling.
9 b3 d* h; s2 Q% ?1 C  * Y; I% d6 o3 t' G/ }

4 T6 {! v  m, r1 c* _$ SJapanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told the ministers in his Cabinet on Tuesday that they are likely to resign on Aug. 30, when his successor is expected to come, according to Kyodo News report.9 ], E, l" U5 D, V, K2 z' `
Kan has suggested that he would quit after securing parliamentary passage of the bill to allow the government to issue deficit-covering bonds in fiscal 2011 and the bill to promote the use of renewable energy.
; K1 p" x) s' y: h9 j8 G7 hThe two bills are expected to be passed by Friday.
/ h  `! u# l' g6 O- D- c2 Q- kThe ruling Democratic Party of Japan is planning to select its next leader, who is likely to become Japan's sixth prime minister in five years.6 b; \: T% e% D+ \) T: M
Japan's finance minister Yoshihiko Noda, industry minister Banri Kaieda are the front runners in the leadership race, while former foreign minister Seiji Maehara has reemerged as another potential candidate to succeed Kan.
发表于 2011-10-24 10:19:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-3 16:17:34 | 只看该作者
绝对给力的引爆流量方法,简单!!日引上万流量,人人都可以9 n3 l& ?: v  u( b! Q

& L5 ]' i: w9 `6 @ 9 @# R$ }. x+ l/ K' ~9 z' g, s. m
http://www.abc000.com/thread-179-1-1.html5 C- A* J# }: G* Y% Z8 J
发表于 2011-11-10 18:04:03 | 只看该作者
谢谢您,顶8 W4 b) t5 y3 Z1 O
; U  \# d3 `5 K# l3 \
1 X- Z4 Z# t1 o; a$ Y# a
$ ]( r7 G; J  F, X6 s2 u5 r
. u5 R0 A9 k' X8 o7 T& M: r  }' [+ X

0 W+ Q* [! m; @/ c  P' [6 ?& }& u& R9 C2 N! Y4 |4 e

+ w. \% o7 T( w9 o( F
* @- W. @% ]  N. ]' t8 k6 t7 m. [) r# u$ T" T' [3 z, @

( B/ u5 \& b6 T& q8 N6 H2 p& n5 a) r( C

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发表于 2011-12-9 09:00:36 | 只看该作者
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