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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-19 16:28:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2011-6-4 09:56:00 | 只看该作者
(Reporter Zhang Weifeng) fight with the villagers the village director, allegedly beaten with a wooden finger fracture to the villagers.  
" ^% R0 F0 c" J7 q yesterday, Song Town, Tongzhou District, a small village for village party secretary confirmed that fighting the issue, but denied beating with a wooden village director, said the village chief was wounded. But the number of villagers said the stick hit the scene witnessed the village director.  
8 E2 G( c4 b4 h7 Y present, the police have been involved in the matter.  ( H5 _/ ?. P: ^' {4 o  L4 @  I
villagers finger fracture
; _" I, x0 h2 }6 |1 ] * m, ~9 k# }6 b0 C# }# S, B: W
injured villager named Wang Wenliang, 52 years old, yesterday was still lying on the Beijing Military General Hospital, two hundred sixty-three clinical department.  + }% C3 w2 l3 T' A6 J
gauze bind up our wounds in his right hand, fingers Black and Purple. Doctors confirmed that patients with comminuted fracture of the right hand bottom of the first metacarpal base.  8 ^" I1 s! j$ J# K8 t( J4 N
Wang Wenliang said the power outage due to their own farms, maintenance of numerous experiences of finding the village committee, the village had never repaired. At 13:30 on the 15th Xu, he found the village committee, village director and party secretary met the car back.  , p1 s; M  F, h# U, E: M
Wang Wenliang, said he hailed reflect this. Subsequently, the village director call him off, they beat up.  
3 r' |" I! R0 {4 y' U1 D, t3 M+ E9 w picked up a stick called the village director, Wang Wenliang hands of a nursing, just thugs on. Wang Wenliang alarm, the police arrived, the two talents completely stop.    g6 i" P. }$ u" `6 T
yesterday, a small village for the village committee, the village director Zhang Yufeng declined to be interviewed.  + p, w/ w% Q+ Y4 K1 T; J) k
villagers, the village director witnessed the beating with a stick ( L6 L: K1 m' `. F
/ f! U. w$ h! K" b$ [# \( k/ A$ B
Wang Wenliang said the two hands ago, the village director Zhang Yufeng in the car said,  
8 u7 ~( A/ m4 J) m3 A9 E' g3 f9 R* v# Q this, a small village for village party secretary Wang Hai, said that the village director, said the angry words, but it is not not pay not to repair.  % p6 s6 i- R" U3 w) k+ F9 c
Wang Hai confirmed that the two accused were together and struggling together,lunettes de soleil carrera, he approached the Lycra. He denied wounding with a wooden village director Wang Wenliang, said village director also injured.  
1 i( \* z/ ?, N) F+ o  H yesterday,lunette carrera pas cher, a number of villagers said the village chief who witnessed the scene, beating sticks.  6 D3 U9 a& H2 {* l4 `
villager Wang said that officers from the ground to pick up a village of about 1 meter long, 2 cm diameter wooden stick, beat the Wang Wenliang.  6 Y6 m% S! ?- a3 E' }, k
Lycra was a small village for the accounting, said he saw the village director hit with a stick, his feet were stepped on Lycra.  
/ b" Y. b1 U1 c% L+ k yesterday, Xu Daxinzhuang police station, said police on duty, the matter is being processed.  
7 `0 J. K% o1 R& q# L; n, g ■ Reason for
: c, m$ t+ ?2 }$ P* l; a! j
' z- B, d8 c8 q things from the victim said, equipment costs.  
  b. o8 d7 w* H. \$ c( ` since 2003, Wang Wenliang rent farm village to do,lunette prada, when families have to do more than a dozen farms in the village is responsible for basic construction of roads and cables and other facilities. Recently, the village committee to supply equipment for capacity increase, so that each share of farm 5 million each.  ; j& \9 H+ q; U: @+ k, j
Wang Wenliang that own more than 500 farms have been raising pigs, with little change in power, no capacity increase, do not want to pay.  
% I! J  D/ z$ m5 ] 11th of this month, Wang Wenliang farms cord is damaged, causing blackouts, he went to reflect the maintenance, but the village has not been repaired.  
0 _! ]- x! c  R6 W" c$ p small village for village party secretary, said Wang Hai, the two fights the issue has nothing to do with the revenue capacity increase equipment costs.  % w# u7 y/ f. k5 q
he said, with the power of farmers increased, the pressure to ease power shortage, is used to avoid burning power facilities, the village committee coordinated with the power sector, adding a transformer and other facilities Capacity, loss of electricity due to 5 million a year the village, the villagers need to share the compatibilizer equipment.  5 b$ m5 P5 d, x, d- r
said Wang Hai, pay accommodation fees are voluntary, such as the farmers do not compatibilizer or not to pay. Meanwhile, Wang Wenliang wire farm problems, the village had been timely sent maintenance, supply has been restored.
发表于 2011-6-8 19:36:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-7-30 16:04:00 | 只看该作者
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Nevertheless , many job seekers , said such a ridiculous requirement , is very discriminatory in that .
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7 ]! A3 [7 E- w- P6 y0 E  此外,哪个女友结婚,是准备去教堂,还是出人意料地搞个古典式,新郎穿长袍马褂、新娘穿中式旗袍;是准备去三星级、四星级还是五星级饭店举行婚宴等等,待嫁女孩也都很想看一看。4 S8 i/ }6 O$ h& @- b* v8 q8 s1 B! d
  待嫁女孩会很快升级为待嫁女人,眼睛成了两眼水井,黑褐色,幽幽的深不见底,看清认准了,有胆识的,从井底伸出温柔的“钩子”,霍地就能将心仪的或至少可以将就的某位男士“钩”了落水,让他挣扎不得,俯首就擒。$ u1 Z) S# O' q
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相关的主题文章:3 h* Y6 z7 E) _! j$ j5 X( C

" {# h; |) V3 ]0 V1 Y  
  ]5 q$ L; `: o8 v  L/ c  G   直接来自乳房的母乳几乎是无菌的4 `# D% e2 F) i8 v& V# l  {
  / r6 B5 Z( a* w: s& y1 a! J5 K
   July 20
; q- C7 \/ r) Q9 S& ~  
, m% m7 D6 N$ N3 x! p   Xinhua Bali2 d8 b# |- J0 ?9 y7 C
  s2 t- d7 m& m8 w6 l& G; B, W .6 y2 d/ ]: V* e1 I
About two weeks after China's Ministry of National Defense confirmed its program to refurbish an ex-Soviet aircraft carrier, the still unfinished vessel commenced its maiden sea trial on Wednesday morning from Dalian of northeast Liaoning Province where the carrier was docked.
' T; h' v, D6 \9 uWhile some neighboring countries have expressed concern over the growth of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, such as Japan's most recent defense white paper, Peter Singer, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, told Xinhua that he didn't believe the Chinese carrier was a source that could worsen the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region.
; i- `; l3 P$ @"One should not be surprised that China, whose military and economic power has grown immensely over the last decades, would want to join the 'carrier club' along with states like the US, UK, Brazil, India, France," Singer said in an email.
2 U; D! I) O( T) F" {It's an understandable ambition from a strategic and national prestige standpoint for China to develop aircraft carrier, he said.
$ C# h2 M! s' F5 sCurrently, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Spain, Italy, India, Brazil and Thailand, operate a total of 21 active-service aircraft carriers.  s$ G$ b/ o8 q
Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has two 18,000-metric ton Hyuga-class helicopter carriers, although the warships are classified by Japan as "helicopter destroyers."
$ p7 E9 ^6 V* `$ COnce the still-unnamed carrier is delivered to the PLA Navy, China will be the last among the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council to possess an aircraft carrier.
. _, w3 q+ T* Q+ t! JThe Asia-Pacific is also an area where aircraft carriers frequently cruise. The nuclear-powered supercarrier USS George Washington has been forward deployed at Japan's Yokosuka, and other U.S. carriers visit the area from time to time for military exercises, deterrence, as well as port calls and humanitarian aids.
7 F* N' G  P" E7 O6 ~' b1 E, E' {1 V+ o"I don't think the carrier itself is a source of tension with the US," Singer said. "I think the greater sources of regional tension remain the behavior and unresolved maritime claims."3 P) |) q' D7 z7 C: r
According to Singer, such sources include the conduct of the navies in the South China Sea and sea disputes between China and some of its neighboring states.
, h% G: L9 ~# A. _8 ]+ U* BChina signed an agreement with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2002 at Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, which seeks regional stability by resolving disputes in the South China Sea in a peaceful way.
" o8 s( p( ~8 AThe agreement, Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, asked all concerned countries to maintain self-restraint and not to conduct activities that would complicate or escalate disputes such as inhabiting the uninhabited islands and reefs.  k% g0 G( \( I  V- q
"Tensions between Japan, the Philippines or Vietnam were there before the carrier," Singer said, noting that China's neighboring countries may look at the carrier with some apprehension, but none should blame the carrier for tensions in the South China Sea./ G9 Z/ S! w8 V5 N' e
Chinese military scholars told Xinhua that China's carrier program was for the sake of its own maritime interests.
+ g# N2 w& R  f- {# ~5 N; ^"China's future aircraft carrier would only add stable factors to the Asia-Pacific region and the world peace," said Cao Weidong, a researcher of the PLA Navy's Academic Research Institute.: h5 U$ D& ?; o0 t1 J) c
"Compared with the U.S. and other carrier-savvy navies, China is just a beginner in operating an aircraft carrier," Cao said.
% s5 K8 b$ G  w* o3 QTo fuel its fast growing economy, China is increasingly reliant on natural resources imported through maritime transport routes from overseas.; y, z) y# d  D. K
The PLA Navy has deployed its task forces in rotation since the end of 2008 to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the coast of Somalia to escort Chinese and foreign merchant vessels transiting.4 v8 m' W" {& Z1 J1 a& O) d& I+ s
"We have learned from the escort missions and other operations, such as evacuating citizens from Libya, that an aircraft carrier is something that the navy needs," Cao said, adding that the weapon platform will also be a necessary tool for the country to safeguard territorial waters and maritime transport routes.
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