惊闻:中国南方暴雨洪涝灾害共造成1356.0万人受灾,因灾死亡76人,失踪13人,直接经济损失47.3亿元。* N' C9 ?1 @) T# t( C
9 u: m' q M, |: M! l. z3 j 曾几何时,“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,老杜的佳句流传千古;那时的雨,是何等的美丽,何等的温柔,louboutin,简直是天使的化身,人们的菩萨。有谁知道,现今,雨,从天使变为魔鬼,从菩萨变成人们的噩梦。这是为何?你如此凶残;这是为何?你没有一丝怜悯之心! ?# y" T; D8 y# E$ |0 X7 p5 u
2 U, L7 c$ ~" i$ @3 U6 f 也记得,“七八个星天外,两三点雨山前”。聪明的大词人辛弃疾也认为你只是个“小不点”,只是点缀着自然的山,不成气候。也许,有朝一日,他看到今天你的狰狞面目,一定会自惨双目,切腹剖心,喷血而亡。' Z i1 c7 P& k6 t3 v6 F
其实,又何止我们可爱的李清照女士如此善良,我们的爱国词人辛弃疾如此“糊涂”。还有很多很多诗人词人被你的假象欺蒙一世。苏东坡的“细雨斜风作晓寒”和“烟雨暗千家”,陆游的“一叶飘然烟雨中”,柳永的“对潇潇暮雨洒江天”可笑啊,今天如此强暴的雨,却只是我们伟大的词人的装饰品而已,louboutin pas cher。我想雨应该会感到不平吧!怪得谁!一个愿欺骗,一个愿被骗。: f- m/ _# ]2 j2 X. R
然而你欺骗得了他们,但欺骗不了所以人;你欺骗得了一时,欺骗不了一世。你哪怕披着华丽的彩衣,看着像天使,却改变不了你的恶魔的一面;你哪怕装成绵羊般温柔软弱,也改变不了你是狼的事实。 [) d: O- {1 g' y" V& I5 _
这些年来,你肆无忌惮地践踏着神州大地,你疯狂地虐待着亿万人民。这些年来,你不可一世的狰狞面目,Casque dr dre,让人害怕至今。好了,现在,你又来了--像个恶魔念着诅咒来了。此时此刻,beats by dre,我真想好好地扇自己一个大耳光—自己为何如此无知,为何如此健忘。
" A8 J" i2 l# f% u, f3 G 一个月前,我还写“朦胧的夏雨,朦胧了天空,朦胧了大地,却朦胧不了我的心”。现在才发现,你不但朦胧了我的心,还把我当作傻瓜给骗了。# z4 h/ z- u3 s0 X# B+ T
终于明白:朦胧,意味着神秘;神秘便是说,隐藏了真面目。那么,所谓的“绵绵春雨,朦胧夏雨”也只不过是你掩人耳目的假象罢了。今天,你露出了你的真面目—露骨的凶残!+ }# t; @6 E U% C9 u% `# t
* |9 y9 o: ]+ `3 G2 D# t7 M- @ 然而,出来混的终是要还的,franklin marshall。面对你的凶残,伟大的人类,不会束手就擒,不会一直沉默下去。终有一天,会把你这恶魔打入万劫不复之深渊。即使消灭不了,也会把你隔离,不会让你再次“危害人间”;甚至,把你给洗脑,让你彻底成为人类的奴隶。
4 w! s5 J2 a5 D1 c M: t5 d 等者瞧吧,雨! 上一篇:集体舞和早恋 下一篇:你还是男人吗相关的主题文章:
w) p& l6 {6 _+ R
8 ?$ U, C" s: t6 G" x' O + `( N% p. h' c% ]: p# T' i
雪舞: M( K7 h4 n0 j, ~$ U
/ n% Z5 r! Z7 x7 C W1 O8 u: C( l% L
广州市领导集体大接访 市民带水和干粮连夜排队 _2237$ Z9 a% W# p) h7 L2 o6 V* x
6 u3 B* O7 G F' G9 a- j: k2 o2 m
墨西哥坎昆:各路人马涌入 舌战即将登场 _187" V8 h0 M2 h/ K. ?( a8 d4 B- r
7 F6 ?8 {4 B$ R& M
2 C+ q' S! l2 [8 k( n6 |9 fBEIJING, July 29 – A Beijing bar is hosting a three-day blues festival starting on Friday, featuring a dozen bands and soloists from around the world.* @; p* O% `+ l c9 w# U6 ]/ K
Cafe CD Blues, on the Third Ring Road near the Agricultural Exhibition Center, and its previous location a few blocks further south, has been home to the city's alternative music scene since the 1980s.
* X; u6 _4 {% Z. c: l# V" ~+ [2 dIt has been owned for nearly two years by veteran R&B singer and bass player "Big John" Zhang Ling.
: @: S) F4 T9 p9 s+ X8 \7 iPlaying on Friday from 7 pm are Chinese band Little Inn, the US' Peter Muchinson Band, Bobo Stump from Japan, Matt Cooper (featuring Swiss Werner Fischer on guitar) and Defy, a Chinese rockabilly group. The night finishes at 1 am.
. E6 b% p) Q5 ~1 q& bOn Saturday, Joseph J. Johanna from New Zealand will perform folk blues from 3:30 pm, followed by Chinese band Out of Control, then Fernando Fidanza, the Peter Muchinson band again, Zhang Di and Lucy in an East meets West performance, and then the Big John Blues Band led by the bar's owner. The evening will finish with a blues jamming session from about 11:15 pm.5 Y- `+ H+ ~9 j
Fernando Fidanza will kick things off from 2:30 pm on Sunday with his Italian Blues. He'll be followed with a harp clinic and harmonica competition until 5 pm. Starting at 4:30 pm outside will be another set by Joseph J. Johanna, then Hong Kong's Chit Chat band, Hoochie Coochie Gentlemen, Bobo Stump and finally, The Chinese Hell Cats from 10:30 pm.3 n) ~, c; N. @, n5 {
The cost of admission is 150 yuan ($23), including a free drink, for each day, or 400 yuan, including a free drink every day, for all three days.
+ d4 ]6 W$ S8 B. W) O$ I"Beijing will have seen nothing like it," says one of the event's promoters, Beijing-based US businessman Craig Quick.# E) @8 @6 j0 x! B/ e9 N8 ?: F
"This is a brilliant line-up of extremely talented musicians who know and love the blues inside out. It's going to be a tremendous occasion."
* y. v8 e% {* ~6 Z# m: D- tIn the early 1980s, as bassist for Chinese rock legend Cui Jian, Zhang Lin developed a deep understanding of the development of modern music in China when Western music was considered "capitalist". He used to listen to The Beatles tracks smuggled in from the US.0 x" p& J+ ? D7 S7 w( e
Zhang studied bass in Australia and returned to China to collaborate with some of the top blues and jazz artists in the country, creating in 1995 China's first jazz fusion band, Tien Square. In 1996, he joined his old band mate, Cui, and International Monetary Fund vice-president John Anderson to form the first blues band in China, The Rhythm Dogs. He released his first solo album, Nu Ren De Ge (A Woman's Song), in 2008, and also runs a musician booking agency.
3 q! `8 ^) k. a6 {Many of the world's jazz greats have visited or performed at the CD Blues Cafe and Bar, including Wynton Marsalis, Kenny Garrett and Herbie Hancock's band.% y- |" ], [9 f( l! k4 G3 o. _
Blues evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music and oral traditions imported from West Africa and rural tunes into a wide variety of styles and subgenres, with regional variations across the US. |