现年28岁的谢拉?赫谢是名美国平面模特和两个孩子的母亲,为了追求傲人的身材,Christian Louboutin pas cher,她竟先后9次接受隆胸手术,如今,她的胸围达到了惊世骇俗的38KKK,被吉尼斯世界纪录确认为“世界头号人造波霸”!) c9 Y0 w; V" Y, v/ ?
欲罢不能的谢拉一次又一次地躺上手术台,终于有一天,忍无可忍的男友央求她“打住”。谢拉思量再三,最后含泪与心爱的男友分道扬镳,franklin and marshall。后来她回忆道:“我很爱他。可是为了追求自己的梦想,我不得不离开他。”当谢拉又一次来到当地的整容医院时,医生不得不拒绝了她。原来得克萨斯州的医疗法律规定,医生为隆胸患者注射的矽胶不得超过1000CC,违者将受到严惩。无奈之下,谢拉不得不前往加州洛杉矶市,那里的整容诊所曾经让居住在比弗利山的好莱坞大腕们趋之若鹜。短短5年之中,Polo Ralph Lauren shirts,她先后接受了8次“填充”。当第8次从手术台下来的时候,她胸围达到了34FFF,每个乳房填充的矽胶量达到1.89升!
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在看了著名的整容真人秀节目《90210医生》之后,Polo Ralph Lauren,她更是下定决心,一定要通过手术得到超人一等的身材。从2002年起,谢拉开始接受隆胸手术,franklin et marshall。起先,深爱她的英国男友对她持支持态度,louboutin pas cher,甚至主动为其高昂的手术费埋单。随着胸部如气球般越来越大,谢拉行走在街上时的“回头率”也越来越高,为此她窃喜不已。
, J) G: c6 H9 G$ y 据报道,现年28岁的谢拉?赫谢来自美国得克萨斯州休斯顿市,是名平面模特和两个孩子的母亲。虽然拥有诱人的曲线,可是谢拉对自己的胸围始终不够满意。
8 K1 ], v+ b% B! M 为隆胸与男友分手2 {8 W- ?2 H# t
然而谢拉并不满足,当她再次筹足资金,走进洛杉矶一家整容诊所时,医生无奈地摇了摇头。医生警告她,如果再继续隆胸,可能引发疤痕增生、肌肉痉挛、组织感染、神经萎缩等诸多并发症。更可怕的是,她的乳房可能将因不堪重负而随时“爆裂”!然而,谢拉不以为然:“对我而言,大即是美。我才管不了那么多!”说罢,她扬长而去。今年1月,谢拉远赴巴西,在这里她完成了第9次隆胸手术。目前,谢拉的胸围已经达到惊世骇俗的38KKK,堪称“世界头号人造波霸”!近日,巴西版的《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》已经正式确认她拥有“世界上最大的义乳”。谢拉得意地表示:“每天我都想看上去更美,你知道,每个人都有一个梦想,chaussure louboutin。那种美梦成真的感觉,实在太好了,Cheap Polo Ralph Lauren!”3 ^' K: n1 E; L9 h
隆胸9次 终成“头号人造波霸”
+ f3 m4 q6 `8 q+ \* l4 ? ( P* a2 _3 O0 M
隆胸9次 隆成“头号人造波霸”0 t' G4 C, q7 A' ? O. ^
相关的主题文章:' W; ^. P7 {9 F- V( O" j
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weekday work
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Twelve people have been injured, including three in critical condition, after a 5.8-magnitude earthquake hit northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Thursday afternoon, said local authorities.7 Z1 r3 z4 Z5 j' H: q! f4 k. n
The quake rocked the border area between the region's Atux City in the Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture and Kashgar Prefecture at 6:06 p.m../ N6 G% {3 a& u
The 12 injured were residents of Jiashi County in Kashgar Prefecture, according to a spokesman with the prefecture's committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC).+ Q" W5 [$ {7 O. [
However, Jiashi County authorities previously reported the number of injured at 26, with three seriously wounded.
# B& G' m; I2 |9 P& \' r4 ABy 10 p.m., no deaths had been reported.
5 a9 |* r) Y4 L: W4 k' r4 _1 OThe jolt has also toppled more than 30 units of housing in a township near the epicenter about 90 km away from county seat of Jiashi, according to the prefecture source.& x0 v# A# V0 N8 e/ i1 k
More houses and some roads were damaged in the quake, said rescuers from Jiashi County who had arrived at the township.
9 Z3 ?7 r5 L1 n l& B: AAbout two dozen fire fighters dispatched by the two prefectures are heading to the township. The civil affairs department in Kashgar has allocated 140 tents to the area. |