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发表于 2011-4-6 23:39:00 | 只看该作者
回帖也是一种美德!                                 淘宝刷钻
; r/ e, {+ y) e7 u+ h/ @+ f: Z" Z5 x5 S" Z! m0 o: p2 P0 Z$ J
8 E: b6 i) \4 L; D0 ^7 Z) `
发表于 2011-4-27 09:54:00 | 只看该作者
9 {' z" ?0 M3 B  曾经的回想散落一地,要我怎么捡?
' J! ?0 z3 X- f+ l% w- d' @  h, A. H   . ~9 b  ]/ v% X: {1 t
  时光过的好快。! b3 g6 Q/ C$ A
2 m, o! c% S, P2 \3 T   一转瞬,三年...
! Q) H4 [7 P9 A! a# S0 Q   ! F! S0 |0 P# h8 b2 u7 q: e8 \
( M) b( Z& I7 V2 w" x3 v; f7 m   
- x0 {+ y0 {0 V7 E+ H1 D   至于,那些模摸糊糊的画面是那么的含混不清。
" X; M( o6 v7 s; G   4 F+ B+ ~  ?9 u0 E  G8 E4 \
  再也看不清,Franklin & Marshall,才不透。
7 m% L; |' k7 [+ [; K; o6 _" Q   
1 ~, n0 D; `$ n% W/ _' ~   我又何必再去计较那些年的,是长短非。5 s1 D) G5 U& l" Y6 P1 e) P
  9 X( B# p; V! Q7 m
  只有曾经的友谊,太真,太假,太虚假,太无奈。2 ]3 Q' U+ g& l4 F
  - }* D% \- O2 C# |4 j0 y# R& z3 X
  谁能说清?; H- b4 n$ v: [
  ( {- y# p+ p/ H+ l9 h
  时间流逝,我们却无言以对。9 d7 s( W5 O6 @9 L3 s
  ' V% J( w+ l2 M2 ?8 j9 y- ]
+ G/ D" j, X+ f" B8 a0 r   ( b- J- B7 D1 V* ^+ E9 s& o
  真的得友情是水乳交融的,是不须要任何理由的,Achat Franklin Marshall!4 I" j5 D, Y2 {  ^6 g: v+ @/ Q- G
  1 I3 {  ~, s; b, N
  拜子,Franklin et Marshall;谢谢尔陪同我一年...这些对你而言或者不,
7 w* e8 C* u" L3 b/ U   
5 v/ |6 J4 |2 M2 }" Z0 ~; g   什么然而对我而言有说不出的感想,lunette de soleil
- [2 \9 a) y1 Y   . ^; f# Y0 X; B2 u4 F; V
  谢谢尔,( M+ _1 q/ A, h& ?# C! T
0 b9 F/ e& K% a9 x; E7 }- m   依然记得曾经我们一起走过的日子。  x% x: Z- k; n% I: @
8 g. O3 e8 a2 T" G# ]* l   再学校,我们一起愉快,ray ban lunette de soleil,一起伤心,
$ ^' b3 h2 v' _* E" G3 J1 S   
! z/ r+ Y$ i, o9 ~2 e; r& l   在我不开心的时候,你是我独一的听众。# O' E# D5 o3 h) y
4 j2 a0 [9 ?) r9 E& T   有的时候我甚至想过要是你是一个女生的话,我必定会娶尔的。
; r; W6 h* n: ?/ {& s   
: X  K' m- u5 Q( x   惋惜,尔却不是。7 \2 I5 F7 M$ k6 ^
4 D: l; ^2 n; k9 B! T   记得曾经我们一起打台球的时候。& V( ]7 u  ?% ^  R* N% e
' i; @* f' o6 ?   是那么的实在,
$ B, A) Y, F3 Y7 }6 u% D: w   5 I9 E! A, k# P9 a4 L9 s' k* T
& O" N* W  a9 B0 U0 @$ T7 w+ P# i* ], h   
& H4 M. `+ t( y4 v5 ~; T% W   可惜在也回不却了。: W. @( n# a7 K9 N- k# d+ @9 h
  ; {: a1 [6 x* ~5 k0 c  W2 H$ e
  在次,我也要得尔说声对不起。1 L# i6 H$ M# `3 f  e, C
  / W9 i! S- B8 _( V1 e. [, K5 r' X1 b
( v) C, l1 ]  h' j. }% Z. u   8 b# }( f9 L; b# v1 ~
# @% f! t0 B7 T  I2 m   
2 z+ Q) Q  h! K( J! i! U   每当我给尔说这些的时候,
5 ~% Z0 K3 b* ?. w! t3 p   
* B6 p, @% ?) S9 N2 O6 W/ J   尔却对我说,Franklin Marshall,我们是兄弟那嘛,还讲这些是不是?. I) K& Z  r( R+ C$ K* T
  : ~6 C, E+ @( j8 c
& |% T7 e, q8 x5 X' F" @8 ~4 e4 O) m   
5 H9 V9 R, J6 j9 a2 w   这些,我会记住一辈子。* @) y$ S. r$ }) A8 X
: d( u! x  q* b   谢谢尔。
" |7 {1 B1 i6 P7 O. m   ( r  K3 l2 X" Y9 A
  我仍然还记得,尔在我同窗录上写的,3 D  U) K( i( x4 [; J* ]% d& R
  . o. N/ V+ E" T% i$ A& K  u
% |# D% s  U5 {" |, ~/ q2 Z% x' c$ p   3 L! F! h: K$ y- ]; M4 e
* j7 ^5 N8 q! p$ M8 T6 {   
( c* N5 R$ X$ |   回、: j0 N2 Y' M* {
( d( V( K8 Y5 S4 @8 y7 L5 J   味、
) Y' U7 c+ K0 [' T   ) ]% I$ U1 `3 V4 a$ v" [( F
+ t5 N4 s4 D: C& d( i   
" c$ Z8 h; q% K: {' [+ h& b% Y   天,ray ban lunettes de soleil4 q3 d  l# I. f5 X$ w
6 R% y! F# j4 V% D& ?: G- O   依、3 r$ Q' e' O& r( b4 O3 E1 i% o
  - V7 N/ P: {8 E0 j! \
1 l$ ^2 Y' q; Q' r2 S2 j2 w- s( `/ m' W   ' I- r7 c" J. I
  是、$ @2 m8 X2 u" _4 |8 F  s, x: d1 q
  5 h1 Y/ }1 b6 Z7 p" F
  那、  f7 u/ }: h7 _4 j5 P! L. }4 W
8 o7 D+ I- R4 K0 H   么、
% L& z4 p- U/ o4 Q, K   
% ]3 h% c+ s% i' i+ ?   的、
% X7 {$ D' q5 Z+ \3 u) x   # ?' ?$ m5 f+ I( s6 L* j
4 k' Z7 a2 W6 R9 s9 G   5 I  P( |6 A6 U$ s/ Y5 l. t
& ]9 a- p' A2 L" U; _   ; ]7 g5 t7 Z' m) \
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  7 j$ K0 Q6 L$ H' ?
  心,franklin marshall pas cher
- |9 s  v: d2 p) c" b8 e$ K   
9 ]- B5 @/ @0 W  o2 w4 K/ Z( Z    m* ~* R0 W1 e# c0 ]' O
) G! L* M5 P" W3 P* l# M# }  ! B- e9 f) [# V0 R
! e$ O5 T* A1 a( J  
, E( t9 E! S6 n# l   梦里江南的鱼米水香
6 y  z  y6 _+ }9 E: a% F  2 i6 a' |4 {2 r6 o/ m* U( N* |

; ?' o- c" s* q. e* u7 \# `The driver clambered into his seat, clicked his tongue, and we went downhill. The brake squeaked horribly from time to time. At the foot he eased off the noisy mechanism and said, turning half round on his box--# `7 Z( P* H; K" |- k3 H
"We shall see some more of them by-and-by."
, N& A6 J9 v7 f6 d) I% z, {/ ]( `"More idiots? How many of them are there, then?" I asked.
# E  H6 f7 X4 L. p"There's four of them--children of a farmer near Ploumar here. . . . The parents are dead now," he added, after a while. "The grandmother lives on the farm. In the daytime they knock about on this road, and they come home at dusk along with the cattle. . . . It's a good farm."1 W+ P/ N, I% ^+ a
We saw the other two: a boy and a girl, as the driver said. They were dressed exactly alike, in shapeless garments with petticoat-like skirts. The imperfect thing that lived within them moved those beings to howl at us from the top of the bank, where they sprawled amongst the tough stalks of furze. Their cropped black heads stuck out from the bright yellow wall of countless small blossoms. The faces were purple with the strain of yelling; the voices sounded blank and cracked like a mechanical imitation of old people's voices; and suddenly ceased when we turned into a lane.- y8 k' x; a: ~+ W7 T: Q1 n
I saw them many times in my wandering about the country. They lived on that road, drifting along its length here and there, according to the inexplicable impulses of their monstrous darkness. They were an offence to the sunshine, a reproach to empty heaven, a blight on the concentrated and purposeful vigour of the wild landscape. In time the story of their parents shaped itself before me out of the listless answers to my questions, out of the indifferent words heard in wayside inns or on the very road those idiots haunted. Some of it was told by an emaciated and sceptical old fellow with a tremendous whip, while we trudged together over the sands by the side of a two-wheeled cart loaded with dripping seaweed. Then at other times other people confirmed and completed the story: till it stood at last before me, a tale formidable and simple, as they always are, those disclosures of obscure trials endured by ignorant hearts.
发表于 2011-6-4 20:01:00 | 只看该作者
1 月 11 o'clock the evening of 6, two off-road vehicles arrest in the PLA 253 hospital emergency department door, several men got off, and wait on this one woman into the hospital, the emergency department doctors and nurses fight. Emergency department received consulting room chair, blood pressure monitors, emergency lights, computer regulators,beats by dr dre, have become the  * ^  {1 t" f) H
recalled the medical staff at the scene, said: Section 5 health care workers were injured, 3 of them seriously injured,casque beats, two security persuasion also beaten. According to incomplete statistics, the hospital, damaged medical equipment worth about 50 million.  
) D& Y7 ~. f) {! d& D; C female doctor woman suddenly pinched neck ) t5 x2 A+ j8 ?2 k

; n7 B3 ^7 c4 |+ G6 K0 H* C 1 月 evening of 6 10:40 Xu, a woman came to the wrist was scratched PLA 253 hospital emergency department. Dr Lee Master class (female) to see a trauma, they put a patient into the operating room, view of the wounds. According to Dr Lee recalled, when the two men who have an alcohol, it seems that just had a drink.  % X% d9 m9 N' i: J8 Q3 f, ~( A
  " {$ y0 h" y* i' k1 n
doctor for the injured Lee injury, the injured woman, accompanied by another woman the treatment of mood suddenly excited, grabbed the front straight to Dr Lee's neck.  * ^  r; b. B! q0 q4 L

. o, X4 Q6 S- b7 T Beat women more emotionally excited, then they go after the male nurse.  , ]: R3 G) g9 ^
( `! e4 w* {4 p# z4 l" j$ n2 z medical staff, according to the presence of memories of the night, beating 30-year-old woman, black coat, standing in the Yi Miqi above, had been a soldier himself. In the emergency room, the woman called about one side, while shouting.  + o3 n# L# H% M6 U$ H, G# k& n, m
  # F1 q& ~  ~# B% R' U* l
see emotional woman, the hospital security staff and medical staff to report back the total duty. We had thought that things have calmed down, then their return to work, continue to the injured woman's wounds bandaged wrist.  2 ~4 u, [, @1 A4 J/ |
row emergency department
8 x" P/ w/ S! B0 x7 I7 e1 G 7 @) l! T8 `5 @' a
10 minutes later, with several men claiming to Wang Yu (sound) of the women rushed into the emergency department.  + z* C8 X; a" [+ W6 S' F3 Q6 X
play seven ears 6 A# n7 s) G0 `+ M" n

/ [  h) W; k1 k : G' F  _3 Y, P7 P- B5 h
surveillance video showed two men among several people and the CDC in the next clinic on four health care workers beat about 5 minutes.  
4 }- G6 j  J% c0 e0 [* l % I9 w6 E1 D& Y2 w$ ~# G0 z% a
2 doctors being beaten nearly 10 minutes
  Z7 Y- }( i2 R. `
  i9 V% Q3 X8 {. h9 M surveillance video shows that in the next clinic, the two doctors being forced into a corner, by CDC and several men took turns enough to have beaten 10 minutes.  ' p' R" L% e/ X7 x/ m+ t/ f. a7 g
; B. A4 |, T  w
3 _. G' t. M" @$ |6 B9 m1 v
memories of the medical staff, according to the scene, these people after nearly 20 minutes.  2 U( j* u0 m8 P7 s# `5 N' Z! M
beating women escape attempted 3 _6 ]: [  w9 |, [' R) J

2 V2 A- [* ~6 y* ^# r* s afterwards, men were hit by two off-road vehicles to leave the hospital. To take a taxi to leave the CDC, the sea came East police station, Wang Yu was stopped by police away from the cab.  . C+ ?* j9 V" u# t6 S) t5 a

: n+ ~" J) H2 B; G3 H injured temporary memory loss and other symptoms 7 I8 O! S+ E6 Y4 u* Z$ t

6 H4 b+ W# z' v4 X 7 ^, v& Y1 T3 h2 v
injured five health care workers, there has been short-term memory, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms, many injured skin abrasions, swelling, subcutaneous ecchymosis, which appeared emergency department Dr. Guo ear bleeding, bruising his hands, limited mobility and other symptoms, it is possible intracranial injury and hand fracture.  
) k* J; v0 e: v# K* x/ V* F 120 emergency workers were forced to stop 8 a9 T8 O' _" z9 L) p

, |( Q; w+ F9 W- d- P affected by this incident, many Azeri daily emergency department has been busy not working, 120 emergency workers were forced to stop. Division of the electrocardiogram, blood pressure monitors, handheld breath machine, computers and other pieces of equipment, software is damaged can not be used.  1 `5 I! I$ w5 \
, j( V) W% f8 U8 J' b1 V+ B
the progress of events,casque beats by dr dre, this newspaper will continue to pay attention.
发表于 2011-6-17 17:47:00 | 只看该作者
,polo ralph lauren pas cher
0 B$ w, y: Q0 }1 D9 J Deep repentance bow my head said. . \0 ^4 ~8 r3 G2 o8 E2 G1 r
1 S# c2 h) A# {* }
modified salt industrial salt sales 7 v( v3 I/ z0 w, n
6 S1 p" P6 ?6 m" o; X" b
700多吨toxic salt on the table : r  W) y/ b. U8 P( r5 ^, V/ N' H
9 _" m" H+ a! q5 ~- @. y! d
37-year- old Xu , who is a motorcycle parts factory workers in south area . In 2007, he left the Motorcycle Factory intends to do business. Tan surname of a friend he means the way: do not transported from Guangzhou to Chongqing iodized salt sales. ) T4 S5 r4 f2 b7 Q/ D8 f

% O, a3 @4 R# q8 ` Yuqing Temple and under YuBeiOu rent and other homes when the Treasury. Xu also employed his brother and high school students , etc. These industrial salt put into the same false purchased from Guangdong , ,ralph lauren polo, transformed into iodized salt,vetement ralph lauren, flows into the city more than 10 counties , appears in the consumer table. " P! C8 J( G  R9 H8 f$ i# t; ~
4 u0 I; N2 q5 W) }" \5 _
2008年11 months, Xu was arrested. March 10 last year , the High Court of second instance by the city , Xu was sentenced to imprisonment for illegal business 13 years . 4 a: E- y  Q# b( S* j% g4 ?" y

; t/ q  }' i- _. r6 _, v* V) H selling fake salt confused wives and children
- c; `& B2 ^- d0 z5 W4 R2 _ . N6 s7 K7 U9 G  G
hope for an early release from prison to see his son
: `) h2 c0 q1 t& N+ E & g" M$ v; ?* s6 e1 [* `

0 ~6 j) r( s" x$ ?# f& u& h- J Xu said , and he is punished. Year sentence , his wife divorced him , but also take away his son. Because of their sentences , he could only stand separated like piercing . % g& h7 \& g* F% s( l

; B: J. t* h2 X0 x" S, U4 C+ ?' b! X 6 d4 F: R& x" B! M) K2 a2 |9 L' r5 U: x
last August , in his jail more than 3 months later, his wife and his divorce , but took until this year for 10 year old son.
, ^; g& v- ]% f+ |' [ ; L9 Z0 |* y) e$ ^) Y* d
Discipline police confirmed that Xu has been active in prison reform after .
发表于 2011-6-22 17:21:00 | 只看该作者
According to British and New Zealand media reported on April 30, U.S. 72-year-old woman 18 years old unwed Pearl Carter, gave birth to an illegitimate daughter sent for adoption. The girl gave birth to a grown up son named Phil, and she died of brain cancer a few years ago passed away. Phil, 26, became the Pearl and the grandson of Phil for the first time after that meeting, actually hopelessly in London does not love this bizarre shocked American society, more alarming is that Pearl and Phil also spent $ 54,000 and even hired a a common child.  - J: I, g6 H* H4 N8 G
lost daughter gave birth to grandson , M4 Y9 z, w. t8 S# C3 [6 _6 h

1 e" [9 o; n. ^, d7 c According to reports, aged 72, of Pearl Carter is an Indiana woman, she has been living over the years to single life. In fact, Pearl was born in a devout Catholic family, she 18 years old,casque dr dre, was named Lin Nite unwed gave birth to a daughter, Pearl's parents furious at her parents insistence, Pearl was forced to give a newborn daughter, stranger adoption, and since then, she never saw her daughter Lin Nite. Pearl was ever married, but she never had other children without birth. Instead many years, Pearl has been lost trying to find the whereabouts of her daughter Lin Nite, but in the many years of looking to no avail, she finally recovered her daughter 15 years ago gave up the idea.  
( j' x+ |( ]& [ In fact, Pearl's daughter Lin Nite 1983 also became a mother, also named Phil unwed gave birth to a son. Lin Nite has not married, a single mother, brought up his son Phil. When Phil 18 years old, was diagnosed with brain cancer, Lin Nite, she adopted their own childhood experience of being the first to tell his own son. Lin Nite after 6 months passed away,beats by dre, so Phil does not become any of a family of After the death of her mother Lin Nite, Phil decided to find the whereabouts of their relatives by blood, 3 years later, he finally managed to find the whereabouts of his grandmother Pearl.  
' v& K! o# U, p7 r3 H1 F: s2 F great-grandfather Pearl was a man living a lonely life, to this letter from her grandson was shocked. Pearl immediately gave him a letter back and told him his phone number. Phil received a response to the grandmother Pearl, then fight to the phone and told her the news of his mother had died.  
' Q" e6 h& B  Y* f- ]" [# h ) a. K& n) W& |
employees spent $ 50,000 actually after Phil then and grandmother to live together with Pearl, as the carpenter's house near his Pearl, a construction company to find a job.  
: Y6 G+ m  @* A- H& [# [, ` a year ago, Phil Pearl,casque monster, said he wanted a child. Pearl said she would also like Phil has a common child, but she apparently can no longer bear children because she had to menopause. However shocking, the Pearl and Phil then decided to use the Pearl of the $ 54,000 pension, hire a surrogate mother for their They played in local newspapers to find a surrogate mother in the ad, did not take long, is called the Rock, a 30-year-old woman Shan Nikanpeier to apply for home.  
3 X+ A* O6 X- ]5 ~5 O5 x4 G; X Rock Suzanne after IVF, and soon there will be a pregnant, Pearl and Phil every month to accompany her to the hospital for a medical scan, the face of the doctor asked, Pearl is always false said his grandmother, the fetus.  
. v) N; `/ `2 l% G& n) k Bedroom shocked the United States # j# ^$ j/ m# Y5 z8 J

5 z1 _2 f9 Y& }) ]% t1 w, {
# E: r( S/ }8 j according to psychological experts, even though previously there had been first met my grandmother and grandson of Diana L netizens commented: years old when she died how old their children? which their children fair? p>
发表于 2011-6-23 11:49:00 | 只看该作者
强烈请求斑竹把不是松香的帖子一律删除, 免得浪费大家的时间去看.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-8 22:35:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-8-9 09:33:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-8-9 21:18:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-9 23:03:00 | 只看该作者
1、今年产量分析:(承包亏损下山)+(云南禁采扩大)+(南方大旱大涝)+(预测秋冬干旱)=总量减少或持平。8 [, O% f( \. S! q- g7 @
+ B, q) A% Y- V( w& e
2、目前供求分析:(脂农脂贩囤货)+(工厂收脂困难)+(现货库存偏少)+(出口用量增加)=脂价香价大反弹。& G; L' B- L8 r4 e$ I3 z

( M  g7 j  J' `" g( z% `以上等式是否成立?请各位发表高见吧!呵呵!!!
. c% {. P  `- P1 [4 X" w
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