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发表于 2010-10-27 13:10:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-10-29 17:50:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-8 20:23:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-23 16:29:00 | 只看该作者
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"I"-inject 投入
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"O"-observant 用心
/ `. Q: q' W: |6 g0 Z5 E# U- i# E "V"-valiant 勇敢0 X1 U( r2 `. }# k& |
"E"-enjoyment 喜悦& P  ]( W- {% K9 j& |/ e( y4 A
"Y"-yes 愿意5 b; I/ S! J0 ~8 U
"O"-obligation 责任/ Y, v' z: i  K8 _# ~; y0 g
 "U"-unison 和谐- p6 d. D% l' }) [* t+ h
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; s# N* U) `; F. a: P( ](责任编辑:admin)相关的主题文章:
! m' Y6 Y' ?' I
5 t8 i% A9 v/ ?% G$ R1 X" O3 ^  
' _6 k  E" b9 S/ {  B9 d) y. ]   非主流个性日志:12点了,我的水晶鞋该给谁?
+ ^, [# o  O! Q3 Q+ h3 C! Y# \  
# V# `' W# q: u+ v   我又去借了父亲10万元
" W7 K1 R, _1 |; L$ O/ R+ g  0 D0 |4 k  C/ h
   familiar too early or too late6 w; a: ?2 |, m8 {8 H0 _
  * p$ ]. Y  x$ }' w8 i! a/ d

2 y2 ]9 x0 a) o$ W. BJapanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told the ministers in his Cabinet on Tuesday that they are likely to resign on Aug. 30, when his successor is expected to come, according to Kyodo News report.
2 J# y% }+ Y) o) K! [4 X- m3 DKan has suggested that he would quit after securing parliamentary passage of the bill to allow the government to issue deficit-covering bonds in fiscal 2011 and the bill to promote the use of renewable energy.4 n1 ]+ T9 Y7 x( Z/ R
The two bills are expected to be passed by Friday.
! K# y5 K% k3 [/ h( c; QThe ruling Democratic Party of Japan is planning to select its next leader, who is likely to become Japan's sixth prime minister in five years.* q- y+ l' J7 Z. K9 e, P. R8 b6 G
Japan's finance minister Yoshihiko Noda, industry minister Banri Kaieda are the front runners in the leadership race, while former foreign minister Seiji Maehara has reemerged as another potential candidate to succeed Kan.
发表于 2011-8-24 09:38:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-4-10 07:50:17 | 只看该作者
说的不错!$ s* \9 \1 t, C7 e1 S9 W. H( \4 h
/ t& f( v+ o1 d( q+ E, R) V1 G9 a

$ U$ T3 T( V) w6 E: t# Y
/ v8 T9 t$ l( u- O* _% n5 M1 ^0 w% Z

' }! d9 f3 l  j6 @0 W' O2 l. _5 R  q9 s" |! e7 c

' {+ S5 h# r2 P- }6 M( W8 {9 x: l: {2 c, _  Y% P! z% E
+ c2 Q- j1 ~" _& F
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发表于 2016-6-13 18:34:36 | 只看该作者
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6 R$ I0 ^5 [' u7 Z6 A$ {' Z
3 l+ Z  [& N) n7 P
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1 {4 F1 V+ f% T
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7 x; Q* S( ]. ^* p+ {7 J2 Z" C1 B- r. B

( w5 _& X; u) \+ ~$ A% K0 N# i
2 F8 s" U! _" S+ Q/ t* o% g# p
# H  [# Y3 i9 z* X3 V, G+ t
发表于 2016-6-24 04:33:07 | 只看该作者
' i+ B9 S7 P8 ^% J7 _: b1 m: j8 \$ P( d9 G  A
3 p& x$ L+ A4 F, \5 o

, W) a7 V8 M) Q. q3 N5 e7 H) i* \$ H3 d0 a( H9 j" E" U3 L' H
. E0 S4 i* Z% c# q/ X

8 Q2 \8 x7 h- K% A, x/ B7 p. V. j' o* ?. {, }) z6 j0 s6 h  S
% N. G  a, D  s
8 z- p1 y0 z/ G0 W* r; w

+ _7 P' K# K% ]- m( h! T
8 M- j8 W8 ~/ X+ J9 v$ {! y3 X2 W: |8 W; l2 }3 e: u: R
发表于 2016-10-5 19:21:57 | 只看该作者
1 ?" ?) M/ ~& v( s
& _( |' Y4 X" D* H% L# {- T2 P2 m" T, D" q3 `  E6 U

& r5 u- X. z, [0 R1 p+ N8 v
: Q- I( r. H9 _4 ?, q; p2 e
( u5 M" W2 w) S* e2 K/ p! l, N1 `: _
$ Q% q& N( [% C! s, J' p
0 j* E' W" r& G7 L
9 I  \1 j* {: M4 X

8 _5 \: l" K. i& Y+ P- m8 j! k% W) `5 j0 n
& q& X9 _; ~, H0 D1 x$ ^
发表于 2017-1-2 14:31:14 | 只看该作者
9 J: M# W8 O) F- m) p
% o6 N' F& v4 D% ]; `; X6 G: A4 K. K9 n( C9 @! w3 q2 O
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6 W. D7 {; p4 _2 ?

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, C( {  x# [. ^& i. R
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