
标题: 这个年头松香怎么会涨! [打印本页]

作者: 湖北松脂    时间: 2009-2-16 15:09
标题: 这个年头松香怎么会涨!
        新华网斯德哥尔摩1月7日电 (记者吴平)据瑞典信贷信息中心7日公布的统计数据显示,受世界经济危机影响,瑞典2008年破产企业数量4年来首次呈现增多势头,全国破产企业达到5500家,比2007年增加12%。; X8 y8 d, R' i0 L# I
   国际在线报道(记者王坚):比利时《时报》2日公布的一项最新调查显示,受金融危机影响,2008年该国共有8512家公司企业破产倒闭,是有史以来最糟糕的年份。 " ~, |) Q* z, f0 T& P
   日本企业信用调查机构东京商工调查13日公布的2008年全国破产企业数据(负债1000万日元以上)显示,由于金融危机带来的全 球经济恶化,许多企业陷入了销售低迷和资金短缺的困境,破产企业数量和负债总额均达到03年以来的最高水平。破产企业数为15,646家,比上年增加 11.0%;负债总额达122,919亿日元(约合9,426亿元人民币),约为上年的2倍,排在二战后第七位。
6 L3 I% D2 G, @1 {5 f   1月14日报道,2008年前11个月澳国内破产企业数量达到1.28万家,超过了2007年全年1.2万家的数量。其中,11月份破产企业超过1500家,为1999年开始发布月度记录以来的最高。6 p& z) k+ P, R) r6 N- r6 c+ Y: C
   网络版专稿 记者 严钰 进入200年后,美国破产企业大幅攀升,其中资产规模在10亿美元以上的重磅型企业倒闭达7家。据美国企业破产数据追踪网站“破产数据”显示,这是自2003年以来的历史最高值。分析人士称,由美国次贷危机引发的全球性经济危机已经严重影响到美国实体经济。
. t% C7 y9 b$ |$ ^# S中国更不用说,所以松香这个边缘行业在09年肯定不好做,更不要说,松香能涨价!  k# f# \4 C3 ^( z8 v5 U  j

作者: 新生代    时间: 2009-2-16 17:22
标题: 回复 1F 湖北松脂 的帖子
作者: 湖北松脂    时间: 2009-2-16 17:34
标题: 回复 2F 新生代 的帖子
作者: 新生代    时间: 2009-2-16 17:56
标题: 回复 3F 湖北松脂 的帖子
作者: 小猴司维    时间: 2009-2-19 17:29
标题: 回复:这个年头松香怎么会涨!
作者: 满地金钱    时间: 2009-2-19 18:06
标题: 回复:这个年头松香怎么会涨!
! V7 ?% u" e% v. X. ]7 ]是多老板想包山?还是太多松已不能割了?
作者: 樵夫    时间: 2009-2-20 11:22
标题: 回复:这个年头松香怎么会涨!
作者: 小猴司维    时间: 2009-2-20 15:29
标题: 回复 6F 满地金钱 的帖子
作者: 小猴司维    时间: 2009-2-20 15:32
标题: 回复 6F 满地金钱 的帖子
作者: 笑看人生    时间: 2009-3-10 20:02
作者: 我为香狂    时间: 2009-3-13 21:49
作者: 小猴司维    时间: 2009-3-16 17:14
作者: pjlpppjjjlll    时间: 2009-3-18 16:10
标题: 回复 5# 小猴司维 的帖子
6 d3 {  T1 ~) d. e; O+ J5 d6 n
作者: 84606040    时间: 2009-3-22 10:32
作者: xlwc    时间: 2009-3-25 09:34
作者: xlwc    时间: 2009-4-9 10:38
作者: wwx    时间: 2009-4-10 17:24
作者: 小猴司维    时间: 2009-4-11 17:23
作者: eols75731    时间: 2011-5-12 16:30
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作者: fdug13471    时间: 2011-5-12 16:30
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作者: ormx21920    时间: 2011-6-27 18:02
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作者: yyrudscol    时间: 2011-6-27 18:07
only junior middle school education of the public suspects of gold for profits, actually stem from false invoices transportation acts. Just a few years, together with his ex-wife Kim Min-Yuan Li et al, 2870 were false invoice transport suspected of falsifying the amount of a total of 107 million. Find clues, the original Tax Investigation Detachment of City Public Security Bureau police efforts to detect, such as the Golden Man arrested 12 people,casque monster, the province has so far cracked the largest case of false invoices for Transport. October 20, the panel will be the case of 12 suspects prosecuted.  6 V/ _% T) b) [; Y* F& u
Open freight invoices cases, found that Transport Co.,casque beats pas cher, Ltd. Changsha soar in March 2006 for the Skyway Freight Services, a shipping invoice falsifying the amount of 49,200 yuan, by the votes of Hunan Aerospace Magnet unit is a limited liability company, arrived in withholding 03,400 yuan. This small detail, let along think of Liu Yongjun police handling the case: Investigating the 2006 into the company accepted a payment called the people to provide false shipping invoices of 5 copies of the amount of 20 million. The company once again soar into the sight, immediately aroused the police's vigilance.  2 c; C# c& ^1 A5 N
investigation, Liu Yongjun found FT in 2006 and 2007 to reported operating income of nearly 7,000 million, significantly beyond the expected. FT where the Italian company in the south gate of freight all the way to conduct in-depth market investigation,casque dr dre pas cher, the police initially concluded: FT companies do not have such a large volume of transport operations,casque beats by dre, ie, FT companies suspected of false shipping invoices.  
, j5 x) x% i4 O1 d8 Q5 b crime suspects frequently change locations 4 }* @  K0 j& f- b7 Q1 a
) t: {" o* z9 @/ H* B7 B
view of the case material, Changsha Police immediately set up special task force (mainly the former City Public Security Bureau of Tax Investigation Detachment Second, Seventh Battalion of civilian police) fully detected. Police task force found that the people know that fake gold harmful levels of freight invoices, plus there are public security,casque monster beats, tax authorities investigated the record, anti-reconnaissance ability. Kim Min often change modus, the frequent change of communication, never let a stranger near the billing dens. All of his off the assembly line, both through the Internet or send text messages transmit billing information such as customer billing charges are paid by banks to charge, he did not show up.  1 r8 Q- r! t0 v+ w8 p8 N, l0 |
started in February this year, police repeatedly registered the company to soar, and the southern gateway to China and Italy all the way freight market, osmanthus floor office markets and visit the city's major freight markets; to the tax agencies in the investigation and evidence collection, and to mobilize the masses to provide clues, but the effect is unsatisfactory. March of the day, police handling the case suddenly received a report from the masses, said Kim Min-Ping Town in Yuelu district. Police who rushed to Pingtang, waiting one night for two days failed to detect the work of a temporary financial difficulties.  
9 j6 v& z' N* ]- r) P a car into a detection key $ l3 `  w* w) n& T$ R1 }3 U

+ ]3 F* ~; V& x, U* R! A" M- z the end of March this year, the case has finally been major turning point, a mass of gold found in the Passat sedan people appeared driving his bike Yuhua District sand pond. By Kim Min-open car, the panel finally find out the Kim Min, Yuan Li (Kim Min-ex-wife, the company billing staff), led by false shipping invoices using the Internet group.  " T  }( V% Q" @
5 12, task force received a tip, Kim Min-off the assembly line the next day and have a deal. May 13, the panel will police the suspect Kim Min (male, 43 years old, junior middle school education, Changsha City People) and Yuan Li (female, 33 years old, high school, Changsha City People),casque dr dre, captured and brought to justice, on-site collection of tools for committing crimes and a record of all billing data notebook.  4 M$ C: j  v: K! Z/ _
after trial, the suspect Kim Min, Yuan Li, etc. to reap illegal profits, billing rates by 4% to 6% fee charged billing method, a total of 587 units to the nation fake Uniform Invoice river cargo transport, Police have Changsha involved in the case of 33 units of false clues transport invoice transfer tax authorities, tax authorities pursuant to pursue the tax payment of more than 100 million.
作者: xlwc    时间: 2011-6-29 11:09
作者: kwfon    时间: 2016-6-9 10:16
顶你一下,好贴要顶!% V" l% }4 ?& m. `* O5 }: f4 W

! W2 t5 d6 q# N! w9 a/ u1 O1 g0 B/ w9 D5 C/ d* ?6 Z; O2 j& R

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% B9 O1 Q* k* u$ `5 M8 b
) K2 p/ N8 E; T2 Y$ c5 F
作者: upvse    时间: 2016-6-28 09:47
& P6 m8 o) g( E' a8 Y1 I+ ~% q. B6 |2 O
! N! W- K  j! X
- W6 s, w% ]6 f  N

1 J8 H) \3 y$ t+ T9 a5 o) V% _2 W" O5 r' L

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, v  y1 X8 _9 h  |; C
1 X( S+ O# m" W% p; V& @
作者: 闲着的鱼7ij    时间: 2016-10-13 08:01
不错不错,很好很好,谢谢分享4 y, t/ P  M7 O: I% ?" s9 e
( p% g, Q. {8 k. ^) D
* ?  Q1 I. h1 C  v

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2 d7 I: A8 o0 q' ?" k0 W3 b% |
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9 {: Q9 M/ ^% Z) c" \- Q& O" t
" @' |: G, Q. c- i- t. T. g
+ L% ]9 ^# l; O4 R

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