标题: 净化空气-活性乌金碳 [打印本页] 作者: yugehb 时间: 2009-8-31 14:07 标题: 净化空气-活性乌金碳 活性乌金碳雕6 F3 ^5 T% m- k6 s' @% O
产品介绍:活性乌金碳雕产品克服了活性炭粉末在实际应用中寿命短、产生二次污染的缺点,攻克了活性炭成型难这一技术性难题,使产品的纯度高达99%以上,吸附值甚至超过军用标准。经湖南省疾病预防控制中心检测:结果表明,活性碳雕对有毒物质的吸附率24小时内达到90%以上。 6 A0 h. o. t. j1 `& f, o产品结构特点:活性乌金碳雕产品具有发达的孔隙结构,且多以小孔为主,1克活性碳雕表面积可达1300—1600平方米。活性乌金碳雕由外到里可分为三级吸附结构:第一级为散布于表面的大孔,第二级为由大孔分支的过渡孔,第三级为由过渡孔分支的微孔。 . o* B1 U8 I# [% ]产品功能:活性乌金碳可以大量吸附空气中的各种有毒气体(甲醛、苯及其同系物、一氧化碳、氨、氡、二氧化硫等)、烟雾、异味等,能有效净化空气,消除污染,有效调节室内湿度,维护人体健康,美化空间。* D3 W1 s* f6 y# q* t2 Y
% x" Y" L6 B: p. P' s8 x
活性乌金碳雕产品全部由优质的活性炭制成,经传统手工工艺雕刻,并以珍贵的纯天然硅颜料着色,色彩古朴自然,赋予了高科技产品古雅的外形和浓厚的文化底蕴,是活性炭成型技术与传统雕刻工艺的完美结合。在关注大众健康的同时兼具装饰功能,是一种既能清洁空气又能美化环境的多功能环保产品。7 [; U7 U6 q4 D7 g2 y
8 c1 W+ r( [: ?3 S0 Q1 ~产品吸附原理:主要是物理吸附,依靠碳分子与被吸附的物质的分子碰撞时的范德瓦耳斯力(引力)而结合在一起,既外表面(大孔)在吸收了有毒的气体或物质后,第二级过渡孔则不断地吸收外表面大孔中的有害物质,第三级的微孔有可以把过渡孔中的有毒物质吸附到其内部,依此实现分级吸收,把有毒气体控制在它的内部(不会释放出来),使表层的活性炭可以连续的吸收有毒; d+ {& V7 J) P: a( O+ g: j& w3 E
6 V9 Q( ^- q' I7 f% `# c
活性乌金碳雕,是您乔迁新居,购置家具,亲朋送礼,商务礼仪之首选 , a. r8 |4 T: n x1 G6 S, A, e; d
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乌金碳雕山东分公司地址:山东济南天桥区北园大街嘉汇环球广场7 }9 z c! o+ }' p! M/ W www.wujintandiao.cn . N! y5 s k; \, I5 M# A9 t; H. u/ A) e* {% E; Y* ^ ~
2 R: l% p5 c% z4 y$ l- Z- d www.yugehb.com作者: yugehb 时间: 2009-8-31 14:08 标题: 净化空气-活性乌金碳 净化空气作者: roselavigne 时间: 2011-8-16 18:39
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: xinq8810 时间: 2011-8-18 22:15
BEIJING Yulin May 5 (Xinhua Zhong Jianlin ho ) Guangxi Yulin City, a robber stole 5 am in the city after a woman's purse not only did not run away , but continue walking down the street , looking for the next target in the police patrol the streets quietly opened the police car to him, get off quickly and arrested him. : ]7 x+ X1 F9 p# _ 6 G/ K# g- G1 U: v3 Y, h( _ Yulin patrol police detachment briefing at 0:47 on May 5 , are patrolling the city of Yulin city patrol police detachment of mountain patrol command center received 110 messages : in the urban areas there is a woman Bun . Police patrol car arrived on the scene immediately to find the woman snatched bag . The victim was robbed package cold fear and trembling, to comfort the police after the woman calmed down , and told her about the detailed characteristics of the suspect . The victim told police : man robbed of his wallet dressed in a black suit , white pants , white shoes , snatched the handbag in yellow. 7 y5 Z/ d1 x3 l' D. L6 V; a : m( ~! G) o2 Q2 _* C! m; B' U$ O
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: ~$ k1 |! N( C) H; T/ Q! u$ F+ PDr. alleged terrorists living in America allowed t作者: xiqnvycov 时间: 2011-8-22 16:49
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: liuchenghe 时间: 2011-8-29 17:14
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